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Denied Metal Idea and Water Idea


Verified Member
Water Ability
Stat: Offensive
Name: Boiling Geyser
Usage: Left-Click
Description: This idea was inspired by eruption. As you all know water isn't the most offensive move, however each element has a speck of offense to it. I believe this addition will make water more popular and give it a cool new move. Logically speaking the bender bends the water deep underground and erupts it straight into the air like a geyser would. This would leave a very short burn and do damage to those who touched the boiling water.

Metal Ability
Stat: Offensive/Utility
Name: MetalAuthority
Usage: Hold Shift on an iron golem
After watching the newest episode I was fascinated how Kuvira had a mecha robot to use as a weapon. Now its fairly impossible to create a mecha robot but I had the idea of controlling irongolems. Basically the player would hold shift and control the irongolem. When they click on a different mob, for example a zombie, the iron golem will attack the zombie until it is dead. Just a cool little idea I had.


Verified Member
You can only make one suggestion per thread. You don't want this denied, do you? And I don't think it is possible to control iron golems, that would be messing with their AI, and we don't do that for this plugin. Closest version there would be is someone with a bloodbending ability that only works on iron golems, Then you would be able to either use them as a shield and then throw them to your opponent if they are a player, or you could just throw them to a hostile mob like a zombie.


Verified Member
The Geyser thing wouldn't be very logical. There isn't a layer of water all around the world. Geysers only exist in certain places and usually near volcanic areas. It's not like a Water Bender can just turn earth into water. This would make more sense if the bender was making the water erupt from an already existing water source.


Verified Member
The Geyser thing wouldn't be very logical. There isn't a layer of water all around the world. Geysers only exist in certain places and usually near volcanic areas. It's not like a Water Bender can just turn earth into water. This would make more sense if the bender was making the water erupt from an already existing water source.
Then limit it to a nether biome. :p


Verified Member
Then have it sense if there is water underneath it. There are lots of water pools underground.
If this move is to be used in combat then that wouldn't be very effective, you'd have to get really lucky to get the chance to use it. Like I said, it could work if you're creating the blast of water from the water source rather than underground.


Verified Member
So your saying its possible to sense water pools hundreds of blocks underground but its not possible to control an irongolem?


Verified Member
So your saying its possible to sense water pools hundreds of blocks underground but its not possible to control an irongolem?
AI's are different. Those take tons of work for even the slightest flying pig. You get basic programming knowledge, you may understand.


Verified Member
And actually so to speak there is water everywhere. Its not drinkable nor can you access it easily. Its trapped in the rocky mantle in the earth. Which is heated up and gives a good explanation foe this ability.


Verified Member
And actually so to speak there is water everywhere. Its not drinkable nor can you access it easily. Its trapped in the rocky mantle in the earth. Which is heated up and gives a good explanation foe this ability.
Good explanation, but do you even know any basic coding? ROBOTC? JAVA? C++? I know at least a bit of java and robotc.


Verified Member
Geyser is perfectly logical. Its almost like how eruption can blast when the lava source is miles away in the deep earth. The only barrier I see in Geyser is how a water bender could break the stone to let the water blow. But even that can be crossed by making the water go at extreme speeds.


Verified Member
Geyser is perfectly logical. Its almost like how eruption can blast when the lava source is miles away in the deep earth. The only barrier I see in Geyser is how a water bender could break the stone to let the water blow. But even that can be crossed by making the water go at extreme speeds.
You can melt earth into lava. Did you even watch atla or lok? If not, you are emmet. http://www.lego.com/en-us/movie/explore/characters/emmet


Verified Member
I do not. And you are slowly making this into an arguemwnt which I do not prefer. I clearly do not know coding that is why I am suggesting. Even if I knew a little coding I would work to learn more. But I dont.


Verified Member
Yes i did. I dont think its right to argue with someone who thought there was water in the nether...
I was not thinking that. You know how there is lots of lava in the nether? Volcano. You remember what hit_manx said? He said geysers were near volcano's. LOGIC!!!!


Verified Member
And actually so to speak there is water everywhere. Its not drinkable nor can you access it easily. Its trapped in the rocky mantle in the earth. Which is heated up and gives a good explanation foe this ability.
You're saying a water bender would be able to get water from the mantle to erupt.... Maybe if they could bend from 25 miles...


Verified Member
Do you know what a geyser is? Its boiling water not lava. It does make sense for a volcano to be near but 1. Nether is not a volcano. 2. YOU CANT HAVE WATER IN THE NETHER


Verified Member
Also not to be sassy or anything but a geyser goes at pretty intense speeds. They are also boiling. I believe it would make sense for a waterbending to shoot then out of the earth. OF course there will be a somewhat of a High cooldown.