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Denied New Water move: WaterSmack

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
Name: WaterSmack (open to changes)
Element: Water
Usage: click at a water source >> shift (hold) >> click
Description: Click at the water source with the slot of the ability selected, shift until you see water particles, then click looking at the target, and a mass of water will be flying above you and land on your opponents, smashing them. This ability can only be bendeble with water. Doesn't work with ice, snow nor plants. Can't be bottlebended.
Damage: four hearts.*
Cooldown: 10 secs*
"Mass of water": more like torent, but shorter and the head thicker (bigger)
Knockback: 1 block (?) bcz if its attacking upside, it pushes the target down

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Verified Member
How much mass are we talking about here? It's an interesting suggestion, but I'd like a bit more detail on it, otherwise the same thing can be done with Torrent.


Verified Member
How much mass are we talking about here? It's an interesting suggestion, but I'd like a bit more detail on it, otherwise the same thing can be done with Torrent.
This is what he means... it's on 7:22 - 7:28 below (make sure to click watch this video on youtube)

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
I know this is off topic,but how do i add the short vidoes or pictures xD?
When you are writting a reply or a post, it appears below the text box a button "Upload File". :D
This does the exact thing that Surge does. It's a nice suggestion, but there needs to be something that makes the ability needed.
hmmm... thanks, but that's not like surge... let me see if I can find a GIF to show you.. ah! here!
That! That was WaterSmack!


Verified Member
When you are writting a reply or a post, it appears below the text box a button "Upload File". :D

hmmm... thanks, but that's not like surge... let me see if I can find a GIF to show you.. ah! here!
That! That was WaterSmack!
This is not the best example. The way she waterbends here is a style exclusive to the game. It's a very common type of movement transition in Eastern developed games - short, snappy and explosive. Water doesn't really flow quite like that in the series.

This ability hurls a mass of water at targets, but I'd still like to know how it affects targets differently compared to abilities like Surge (sweeping the targets away with a wave of water and can even freeze them) and Torrent (a large, directable stream of water which pushes back, damages and freezes). Also, how would this push the target down if they're on a surface?
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Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
This is not the best example. The way she waterbends here is a style exclusive to the game. It's a very common type of movement transition in Eastern developed games - short, snappy and explosive. Water doesn't really flow quite like that in the series.

This ability hurls a mass of water at targets, but I'd still like to know how it affects targets differently compared to abilities like Surge (sweeping the targets away with a wave of water and can even freeze them) and Torrent (a large, directable stream of water which pushes back, damages and freezes). Also, how would this push the target down if they're on a surface?
Just if they try moving or jump, they will have a downwards momentum.
One important thing: the game might be canon, but the gameplay isnt. Yey! Lets take water out of nowhere


Verified Member
I agree, this move seems to be quite redundant. (I appologize for the critical nature of my denial)