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Denied New Lava move: LavaStar


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So I've been focusing on lavabending, the reason to this is I have suggested things for Bloodbending and helped with lightningbending suggested by @EndersShadows, and since the last few moves I have suggested for lava have been defensive or utility, this one is going to be offensive. (People would probably be yelling at me irl for suggesting non-offensive moves). So here it is:
Name: LavaStar (if you think of a more fitting name, please feel free to suggest it)
Element: Lava
How used: [Shift at earthbendable block] > [L-click]
Description: This move would be a horizontal addition sign ( + ) with the center being a dirt block and the four "legs" being lava. In the show it was shown that the lavabenders were able to get the lava from even the smallest earth, so that is the reason this doesn't require a lava source. This move would hit the opponent dealing 3 hearts of damage, while not dealing burning (this is to balance the move). You can change the movement of it while it is moving, but it cannot raise above 1 block above the ground from the level it was shot at. I would like for there to be a way for it to be spinning (the lava), but I cannot think of any way to make this possible.
Newly Added: Move now has a charge time of 2 seconds with the burning particle effect on the ground. Also the design is changed to 3 lava in a row and then 2 dirt "legs", so that they can rotate around the center and look cooler.
Thank you for reading and enjoy the offensive move. Post suggestions!
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Verified Member
I like the way you suggested this ability (I actually thought of the same shape when I read the thread title XD).

I like the ability. I will say this though: for me it always makes sense for any earth block melting into lava to take a bit of time. Since this ability melts earth into lava partially I'd say that it would make sense to hold sneak at the source for a couple of seconds until lava particles appear at that block. Then the player would release sneak to raise the LavaStar 2 blocks up from the source's position, and then left-click to hurl it where aimed (at least that would look amazing to me).

I don't really understand why it cannot be raised above the level launched, and I can understand that restriction a bit, but it seems rather limiting. When Ghazan used the ability there was no such limitation. I like it without that limit, but I'll hear your opinion on the restriction.

I know how it could look like it's rotating, although it means a design change. If the centre is lava, two opposite blades are cobblestone and the other opposite blades are lava, then it could be coded to have the blades switch between two positions continuously to give the illusion of rotation. I don't know how that seems to you but that's what I got.

Anyway, great suggestion for this ability. I'd like to see this version implemented, so great job. :)


Verified Member
I agree with kwesi on the fact that it needs a charge time, because then it would become quite op. In addition, a cool feature to this move would be if it could melt through walls within a practical thickness.


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I like the way you suggested this ability (I actually thought of the same shape when I read the thread title XD).

I like the ability. I will say this though: for me it always makes sense for any earth block melting into lava to take a bit of time. Since this ability melts earth into lava partially I'd say that it would make sense to hold sneak at the source for a couple of seconds until lava particles appear at that block. Then the player would release sneak to raise the LavaStar 2 blocks up from the source's position, and then left-click to hurl it where aimed (at least that would look amazing to me).

I don't really understand why it cannot be raised above the level launched, and I can understand that restriction a bit, but it seems rather limiting. When Ghazan used the ability there was no such limitation. I like it without that limit, but I'll hear your opinion on the restriction.

I know how it could look like it's rotating, although it means a design change. If the centre is lava, two opposite blades are cobblestone and the other opposite blades are lava, then it could be coded to have the blades switch between two positions continuously to give the illusion of rotation. I don't know how that seems to you but that's what I got.

Anyway, great suggestion for this ability. I'd like to see this version implemented, so great job. :)
1st suggestion added. The reason I said that it couldn't be raised above the level it is shot at is becuase of it's shape, the effect of it rising would be hard to code. It would look weird if the entire thing raised up at the same time. And I like the design change for it to be able to rotate. This is added too. Thank you!
I like it, with the exception of the controls. The controls should be more complex in my opinion.
Like what? I don't see how the controls could be much different with making it close to the controls of a combo.


Verified Member
1st suggestion added. The reason I said that it couldn't be raised above the level it is shot at is becuase of it's shape, the effect of it rising would be hard to code. It would look weird if the entire thing raised up at the same time. And I like the design change for it to be able to rotate. This is added too. Thank you!

Like what? I don't see how the controls could be much different with making it close to the controls of a combo.
I dont know but the fact that this is a complex move that only has 2 steps and firewheel, a simple combo, has pretty complex controls...


Verified Member
The way Ghazan used it was more holding it fairly close to him then shooting it off, could this not be similar to earth smash? So you could use at the distance you made it at and swing it around, if a player is hit by it then they could be throw back with like 1 or 2 seconds of burning and if you left click you shoot off in the direction were looking in, seems more closer to the move used in the show


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I made a suggestion like this with the same name a long while ago, when I first joined PK actually. Here is a link to it.


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My suggestion is actually quite different except for the name. Any names anyone can think of?


Verified Member
1st suggestion added. The reason I said that it couldn't be raised above the level it is shot at is becuase of it's shape, the effect of it rising would be hard to code. It would look weird if the entire thing raised up at the same time. And I like the design change for it to be able to rotate. This is added too. Thank you!
No problem, happy to help!

Aaaaaaaaah, I thought it might be that, and I do see your point. It's a shame because of how limiting it would make the ability, and personally, the fact that it wouldn't be able to tilt wouldn't really bother me, since it would be the same thing if aimed downwards as the ability can still be manipulate that way. It just seems quite Minecraft-like to me, but I can understand how it would look awkward.

I hope this ability make it because it would look really unique and it its characteristics differ greatly from other earthbending abilities which offers them something new, makes them more versatile and opens up new strategies and styles for earthbending.