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New earth move: Meteorite

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This is the second move out of the moves I am suggesting.

Name: Meteorite
Element: Earth/sort of metal + lava
How used: [shift at earth or obsidian] > aim at enemy > [L-click]
Description: So in the show, they describe bending meteorite as metalbending in the 2 series, but as earthbending in the 1st series. That is why it is sort of metal. Comment if you think it should just be earth or metal too. Now Toph bends the meteorite Sokka gives her and doesn't really do anything with it. Then Korra bends the meteorite at Zao Fu when learning to metalbend. I think that this move would give a little bit of variety seeing as obsidian is earth, but not many people that use the plugin make it an earthbendable block. This move would do 3 hearts of damage if it hits the player, and a little shockwave type effect happens if the move missed the player and hits the ground.
Alternate: [Shift at Earth] > [press and Hold shift] > aim at enemy > [L-click]
Alternate Desc: So the alternate of this move adds even more variety to the move. When you press and hold shift again, it will pick up multiple blocks of the earthbendable block, then turn some of the outer blocks to lava. When it hits the player, they get 3.5 hearts of damage dealt + burning, and if it misses the player and hits the ground, it leaves a small circle of lava where it landed. This small circle of lava would stay there for approximately 3-5 seconds.
Newly Added: Configurable properties: Size of earth clump, size of lava circle, time lava circle stays, size of shockwave effect.

Thank you for reading and please leave any suggestions in a post.
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I already have a move like this on my bending server but meteors come falling down from the sky if you would like to check it out. the ip is * ADVERTISING NOT ALLOWED *
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I already have a move like this on my bending server but meteors come falling down from the sky if you would like to check it out. the ip is play.quantum-craft.com
I've seen it but that's for fire benders... which makes 0 sense.


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So do you guys have any suggestions?
Change the name. When I read the name, I thought this had no chance, but when I read the suggestion I was more positive about it. It's more like it's you select a rock, it goes above/behind you and then you launch it. I understand why you called it meteorite, but it just doesn't fit earthbending. Maybe RockSmash? (POKEMON FTW :p)


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because it fit the name
What about this:
When you select obsidian as your source block, it just takes 1 block of obsidian,
When you take normal dirt or stone as source block, it takes a couple of blocks around, and transforms to obsidian.


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This is kinda how it looks like in my head:

maybe not the lava but you get it :p


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Yes I do get it and you just gave me an even better idea. Now to update post.
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