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Denied Making bloodbending a watercombo

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Verified Member
Hey guys i was wondering if you could make bloodbending a watercombo so people can't just tap shift to grab people and throw them i was thinking of it being something like: BloodBending: Surge (tap) Octopusform (hold shift) Watermanipulation (click to grab) (click again to throw)


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Bloodbending is a sub-element, and the subelements have moves. Bloodbending is the name of the move and the sub-element. It probably won't be a combo


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
I see how you felt annoyed by this. But I don't support this idea. Sorry. I believe PK will make a blood sub in the future.


Verified Member
I see how you felt annoyed by this. But I don't support this idea. Sorry. I believe PK will make a blood sub in the future.
I don't like this idea either. Bloodbending is basically a one hit kill more lethal then lavabending. Lets not make it take up no slots.
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