Now hear me out. This move would be a bloodbending skill, and used to control all entities (I think i used the correct term, correct me if not please) within a certain radius of you (I'd suggest at least 9 or 10 blocks). Just like when in the avatarstate and bloodbending, you cannot physically move the controlled entities. Unlike the avatarstate, clicking while still bloodbending then would knockback all controlled entities for a little distance (5-7 blocks). This wouldn't be op because you can't move them all around in the air, and the only real use I can see of it is for escape, or for breaking up a fight amongst players. To make it less op, for any of you that would call it that, I will suggest this- after a certain amount of time, the entities you were controlling will begin to be able to move. That way someone can't just sit there and hold a lot of people in one spot for an indefinite amount of time. To also make it less op, I can suggest that the person is only able to control so many entities at once (max being 10-15). The way you would use it is hold shift to bloodbend them. Every number that I put in parenthesis should be configurable. If you have seen a thread like this, please leave a link so I can check it out. Thank you!