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RapidSlash [airbending move]

Would this be a nice combo?/Does it makes sense?

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Hello ppl!

So, I was watching LoK Book 2 and then I saw Korra using some type of a"special" air bending tactic. She was smashing her opponent with air slashes rapidly all around her opponent. This is a link to the video(Skip to 18:32):




This is used to rapidly hit your opponent with sharp slices of air. It can be used to keep your opponent at a place or as an offensive move.

Ability order:
Airswipe (click) -> Airswipe (click) -> Run (yes, just run) -> Jump/Airshield (click, while jumping)

Detailed explanation:
First, you click airship twice. Then, you start running to get some speed and wind. When you have that, you jump and click with air shield. Sharp "blades" of air appear around the opponent and will strike on them. Let's say there would be 10 "airblades". This move would be very quick, and wouldn't take longer than 2 or 3 seconds. The air blades won't strike at the same time. They rapidly appear after each other. This combo in total would deal 1 or 2 hearts by default. (configurable) This combo would have a codlin as well. Keeping ppl at 1 place while damaging them with 2 hearts would be a lil bit OP :p

That's it for now!! Lemme know what you think!!

- Finn


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I believe she was simply weaving air around them to wrap the cloth around them and disorient them.


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Well, it could still be cool :p Also, the things she fires look like sharp wide blast. I think it makes sense, and if it doesn't, then I believe your are the best person to tell me why ;)


Verified Member
Well, it could still be cool :p Also, the things she fires look like sharp wide blast. I think it makes sense, and if it doesn't, then I believe your are the best person to tell me why ;)
The effect was streams of air whirling around them quickly, but it would look really cool. I'm not quite sure how that particle effect would work efficiently in Minecraft though, but perhaps the effect on the player could.
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I think that you could look through this and check for typos. :p
I see what you mean. I actually meant effect in two different contexts. One meant the whirling particle effect and the other meant the player rotation effect, but I will change it up because I didn't think that through for others when I typed it. XD


Verified Member
I see what you mean. I actually meant effect in two different contexts. One meant the whirling particle effect and the other meant the player rotation effect, but I will change it up because I didn't think that through for others when I typed it. XD
I was talking about the original post silly goose! :p
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