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Denied AirWheel

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Verified Member
Name: AirWheel

Move Type: AirCombo

Duration: Lasts indefinitely as long as the player does not come into contact with a player/mob entity or abrupt surface.

Damage: 1 Damage Point ( On Contact )


As displayed by airbending master, Tenzin, in the Avatar: Legend of Korra series, he displayed a variation of airbending that not only valued protection over the bender, but mobility. Relative to AirScooter, the player would start a sequence of move combinations to pilot a whirling, fast paced, "wheel" of air.
If player comes in contact with a mob or player entity, they will deal 1 damage(changeable) to the entity and the "AirWheel" will stop. This swirling current of air is faster than AirScooter, but much more delicate.
AirWheel will stop or deflect incoming projectiles from the front and back(if possible).
If allowed with Bukkit or coding standards, the player can turn slowly on the AirWheel due to it being a vertical swirling current of air.

( Two possible options: If player turns at to much of an angle, the wheel will dissipate. The players turning movement is more slowly directed mouse cursor wise while on the wheel of air. )

Possible Move Combination:
AirScooter ( Tap Shift) -> AirShield ( Tap shift ) -> AirScooter { Left Click ( Jump + Left Click if possible) }

Reference or Source:

Thank you for reading and, as always, let me know your opinion or possible modifications that can be made to benefit game play and the move!



Verified Member
This move should have some sort of distance/time limit to it. Tenzin was only able to use this for a short period, not as long as he didn't hit anything. I recommend it to be about the length of firejet, but a little bit faster. This would allow the airbender to quickly escape without being attacked, then use other moves such as airblast or airscooter to move away more effectively. As for defense, it should block as airshield/fireshield does, but I do appreciate the damage on contact with other players! ;)
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