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bro why did you delete kamehameha,thunderclap,zap :( i really love your addons and i really want extra abilities like these, theres really private and good abalities somewhere but people dont give it or sell it for money :(((
Only he could stop the ruthless bots and only he could make new users to register on the site, but when the community needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years have passed and the Bot Nation is nearing victory in the War and no one can register on the site anymore.
hi, i wanted to try all of your skills but none of them worked.
For example, they all give an error like this:
[ProjectKorra] The JAR file EarthSpike.jar is a plugin and not an ability! Put it in the plugins folder!
I tried putting them in the plugins folder but they still didn't work.
Hey man, you've got so many great plugins, bendingGUI is amazing. You got a patreon link or something?
I don't have anything like that, sorry. Glad you like my work, though! :)

If you want to support it, probably the best thing is to leave positive reviews on them for now. I appreciate the sentiment, but yeah, I don't have anything like that. Thanks, though :)
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Goodjob on finally choosing a good pfp lol, Mr. Doge Samurai
Hello, thank you very much for your addon ability guide on github, it really helped me to undertand, how to create abilities! <3
Hello Mist I used to play on the old etria server and immortal Minecraft server I was wondering if you had any access to those server files or old YouTube videos. I know there used to be alot, and it would be great if it was still available thank you :)
I do not have access to any of the old files for EtriaCraft to the best of my knowledge. Hope you're well!
Hey mist im from etriacraft my name was traner28. was wondering if you remember me.. Glad to see youre still at this been looking for a new bending server for a while but none match etriacraft..
When do you think the quicksand ability will be available for download?
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Hi, it is not a priority for me. Sorry, i can't give you a spesific time but i can tell that it is not soon.