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Invalid Wiki Team Application


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
So there is no real template for Wiki Team applications so I'm just going to make it like how I think the template would look. If anything is different in the template than what I out, I will change it so it looks right.
Why do you feel you would be a good wiki team member?
I can type fast, I can type accurately, I have a great concept of writing and spelling/grammar so there won't be many mistakes, I have very little to do with my life so I could work on it pretty much whenever.
How much experience do you have with wiki writing?
I have never written on a wiki, but I have created definitions and other such things in some schoolwork.

That was all I could think of that would be in the template, like I said when the template is posted I will make sure to update this to match it.


Staff member
Invalid, these applications are technically not open yet. The template will be posted by Friday and at that point, you may feel free to apply for this position. I told you about this in a PM yesterday when you asked.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
I'll update it when the template is posted so please check back here on Friday/SaturdaySaturday