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Weekly Update 23/11/15


Staff member
Head Moderator
Verified Member
Hey everybody, time for another weekly update. I decided that I'd move these to Monday, seeing how, A: It will give everybody something to look forward to on Mondays, and B: These are more of a "What's coming" than a "what happened" so it should be at the start of the week.

Development: As many have noticed (hopefully) Beta 6 has been released to the Public! This build was in the works for a quite a while as out amazing Dev team (looking at you @OmniCypher @Coolade @grasshopperMatt @jacklin213 @kingbirdy @Simplicitee and @StrangeOne101! You guys Rock! Oh and um, @jedk1 I suppose) have managed to squash a lot of bugs! However, with each update, new bugs are bound to arise. So I would like to ask that you, the users of PK start posting bug reports when you find them (You can post them here: http://projectkorra.com/forum/forums/bug-reports.6/) bugs cant be fixed if we don't know they exist ;)

Digital: That special project that we've mentioned before has traded hands of who's creating it. The way it operates is going to be the same so its not much of a delay, just a bit of extra communication needed.

Community: I would like to thank the majority of the community for waiting so patiently for this build. And in that time of seeming absence, the forums have remained generally peaceful and has made my job a lot easier, so thanks!

Post Thread Discussion: What is your favorite sub element as displayed in either series?


New Member
Hey everybody, time for another weekly update. I decided that I'd move these to Monday, seeing how, A: It will give everybody something to look forward to on Mondays, and B: These are more of a "What's coming" than a "what happened" so it should be at the start of the week.

Development: As many have noticed (hopefully) Beta 6 has been released to the Public! This build was in the works for a quite a while as out amazing Dev team (looking at you @OmniCypher @Coolade @grasshopperMatt @jacklin213 @kingbirdy @Simplicitee and @StrangeOne101! You guys Rock! Oh and um, @jedk1 I suppose) have managed to squash a lot of bugs! However, with each update, new bugs are bound to arise. So I would like to ask that you, the users of PK start posting bug reports when you find them (You can post them here: http://projectkorra.com/forum/forums/bug-reports.6/) bugs cant be fixed if we don't know they exist ;)

Digital: That special project that we've mentioned before has traded hands of who's creating it. The way it operates is going to be the same so its not much of a delay, just a bit of extra communication needed.

Community: I would like to thank the majority of the community for waiting so patiently for this build. And in that time of seeming absence, the forums have remained generally peaceful and has made my job a lot easier, so thanks!

Post Thread Discussion: What is your favorite sub element as displayed in either series?
@Pickle9775 you bitch.


Verified Member
Lightning and MetalBending.
However, I did find Flight pretty funny because he was like "I let go of my earthly teather" and then be like "BYE BITCHES HAHA FREEDOMMMMM"


Verified Member
idk.....bloodbending sounds OP if you can stop every other element from bending anyways XD (except Aang in avatar state of course lol)


Staff member
Digital Team
Verified Member
But Fartbending is the best subelement ever. It even knocks people out with one blow. How amazing is that? It's the best one! And it's funny to I guess... xD