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WaterSpoutWave should work with bottles

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Verified Member

If she can do that, I have no doubt she would be able to create waterspout-wave from bottles. Of course there go certain nerfs with it than using from actual released water block (smaller travelling distance, slower in speed ect.). Also, imagine how useful it would be to jump out from steep 1x1 pits? You could just simply create the spring from the available water you have in your bottles.


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You know that she is using the water from the river to do that, right?

To be honest, a torrent of water that can be made to carry people should not be able to be made from a small bottle of water. It just screams "illogical" lol


Verified Member
The Gif is only half of the scene. Rewatch it whole and you'll see used the water from the water skin and the river.

Išsiųsta naudojantis SM-G313HN Tapatalk 4 Lt


Verified Member
You know that she is using the water from the river to do that, right?

To be honest, a torrent of water that can be made to carry people should not be able to be made from a small bottle of water. It just screams "illogical" lol
I hope you take this into further consideration then. Because you are able to do a massive torrent wave from a single bottle which screams illogical. Not to mention a surge and an octopus form... Just sayin....


Verified Member
I hope you take this into further consideration then. Because you are able to do a massive torrent wave from a single bottle which screams illogical. Not to mention a surge and an octopus form... Just sayin....
And who says that logical and should stay in the plugin?

Regarding this suggestion, this'd only relief the edge of water being a source element even less... Is this really needed?


Verified Member
I hope you take this into further consideration then. Because you are able to do a massive torrent wave from a single bottle which screams illogical. Not to mention a surge and an octopus form... Just sayin....
Well they kinda do. Suggestions like that were set to looking into.


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Some people, like myself.

Considering that:
1)All abilities, and the recently changed HealingWaters are activated through waterbottles.
2)Forgot what I wanted to say.
Well some people, myself included, will argue over whether or not bottlebending should be nerfed realistically. After all, if ProjectKorra's goal is really to bring bending into minecraft, why have such an illogical feature? Why not have earthbenders be able to bring pebbles to bend?


Verified Member
After all, if ProjectKorra's goal is really to bring bending into minecraft, why have such an illogical feature?
Cuz that's the point? You don't shoot out a wave of a liberty statue during fullmoon from your one waterbottle. That's not how quantity works.


Verified Member
Cuz that's the point? You don't shoot out a wave of a liberty statue during fullmoon from your one waterbottle. That's not how quantity works.
If the point was to have bending be illogical and not correlate as well as it can, logically, with Minecraft, then I don't see a problem with lightning being able to one-hit kill people. Why not? It doesn't have to be logically balanced, according to that statement.


Verified Member
If the point was to have bending be illogical and not correlate as well as it can, logically, with Minecraft, then I don't see a problem with lightning being able to one-hit kill people. Why not? It doesn't have to be logically balanced, according to that statement.
1)Why should it be one-hit kill? Iroh didn't die from lightning, when he got shot.
2)On norm basics, it should. Would you want wall of fire particles still appear underwater?


Verified Member
Why should it be one-hit kill? Iroh didn't die from lightning. He was just left injured.
That was an example. I wasn't being serious. But according to your counter
Cuz that's the point?
to my question
After all, if ProjectKorra's goal is really to bring bending into minecraft, why have such an illogical feature?
Illogical features are allowed. I used my lightning example to try to convey the message.


Verified Member
Well surely there are others ways to make it balance while making it logical for sure.
Yes, for lightning. However, for bottlebending, it is both illogical and unbalanced, and the same can go for plantbending too. Why are waterbenders able to spam surge with just a single bottom? Why are they able to neglect fall damage after falling hundreds of blocks with a single bottle? If any element should be vulnerable to falling from a great height, it should be waterbenders and earthbenders, provided the ground is not an earthbendable source, but I digress. There's no reason why water should be able to do half of the things it does with bottlingbending. So why add another feature that would basically make it a free get-away provided you have a small chance to charge it up? Why join the bandwagon of illogicality ?


Verified Member
I think there should be an option for bottlebending in the config. And not just a true/false or enable/disable option. Just how each ability gets strengthened by a moon/full moon, each ability can be weakened by a bottle/plant. Like for *some* abilities you can edit the moon factor, by how much the settings for the abilities are changed during a moon/full moon. And, at the top of the config where you can tell the plugin if waterbenders can bend with weapons and where you can describe what a "snow" or "ice" block is, there should be an option to set a global bottlebending multiplier. it could be set to false or have a number. If this is set then all of the bottlebending options in the rest of the config will be nullified UNLESS changed, if that's possible. So if you use torrent from a bottle, for example, the stream would be shorter and you wouldn't be able to do torrent wave, or at least make it shorter. Basically the same effects as a moon/full moon but the opposite, weakening your abilities instead of strengthening them.
And who says that logical and should stay in the plugin?
Yea there are a lot of aspects dealing with logic that need to be worked out. However, we are discussing bottlebending because it's relevant to the thread. If you'd like to discuss all of the flaws as far as logic goes, make a new thread.
bottlebending should be nerfed realistically
Why not have earthbenders be able to bring pebbles to bend?
How could we do this and have it aesthetically pleasing? And no, particles are not ALWAYS the answer....
You don't shoot out a wave of a liberty statue during fullmoon from your one waterbottle.
I don't see a problem with lightning being able to one-hit kill people.
I honestly don't think that the lightning made by a bender is as powerful as lightning from a storm but... Depending on the anger, time of day, and opponent I can see it having the same effects.
Iroh didn't die from lightning
Neither did Zuko but then again, he had the aid of Katara and her healing hands.
Why are waterbenders able to spam surge with just a single bottom?
Because #BendingLogic
Why are they able to neglect fall damage after falling hundreds of blocks with a single bottle?
How do airbenders not take fall damage? Same kind of thing. A waterbender could use the snow around them to brace their fall or.... Honestly don't know how a thin sheet of water (surge) would brace yourself enough to resist the damage of falling....
So why add another feature that would basically make it a free get-away provided you have a small chance to charge it up?
*refer to my suggestion above ;)
Why join the bandwagon of illogicality ?
Let's not.


Verified Member
I think there should be an option for bottlebending in the config. And not just a true/false or enable/disable option. Just how each ability gets strengthened by a moon/full moon, each ability can be weakened by a bottle/plant. Like for *some* abilities you can edit the moon factor, by how much the settings for the abilities are changed during a moon/full moon. And, at the top of the config where you can tell the plugin if waterbenders can bend with weapons and where you can describe what a "snow" or "ice" block is, there should be an option to set a global bottlebending multiplier. it could be set to false or have a number. If this is set then all of the bottlebending options in the rest of the config will be nullified UNLESS changed, if that's possible. So if you use torrent from a bottle, for example, the stream would be shorter and you wouldn't be able to do torrent wave, or at least make it shorter. Basically the same effects as a moon/full moon but the opposite, weakening your abilities instead of strengthening them.

Yea there are a lot of aspects dealing with logic that need to be worked out. However, we are discussing bottlebending because it's relevant to the thread. If you'd like to discuss all of the flaws as far as logic goes, make a new thread.


How could we do this and have it aesthetically pleasing? And no, particles are not ALWAYS the answer....


I honestly don't think that the lightning made by a bender is as powerful as lightning from a storm but... Depending on the anger, time of day, and opponent I can see it having the same effects.

Neither did Zuko but then again, he had the aid of Katara and her healing hands.

Because #BendingLogic

How do airbenders not take fall damage? Same kind of thing. A waterbender could use the snow around them to brace their fall or.... Honestly don't know how a thin sheet of water (surge) would brace yourself enough to resist the damage of falling....

*refer to my suggestion above ;)

Let's not.
bottlebending should be nerfed realistically

I would, but this isn't the thread for it. There are dozens of thread about nerfing bottle / plantbending, and they get the job done. Feel free to look at those.


Verified Member
If it's WaterWave then I think it should be like this gif:

It should be one line of water and not leave the ground. Even though the gif isn't with bottles it just seems more logical. Maybe it could freeze too idk.


Verified Member
That gif of Katara waterbending doesn't seem logical at all... I don't know what the animators were thinking....
And then this water wave happened (which is what the plugin features) and I still don't understand how she was staying in the water without falling through.... I don't understand their logic but it's canon so hey.... Why not...


Verified Member
That gif of Katara waterbending doesn't seem logical at all... I don't know what the animators were thinking....
View attachment 2610
And then this water wave happened (which is what the plugin features) and I still don't understand how she was staying in the water without falling through.... I don't understand their logic but it's canon so hey.... Why not...
Let's not forget when this happened... *cringe*
View attachment 2611
I'm no physics expert, but isn't upward pressure stablizing the bender to be pushed up constantly without falling through? Considering that's how waterspout was in the show and is in-game. Pretty sure the show makers wouldn't disregard physics, because that's stupid.

Išsiųsta naudojantis SM-G313HN Tapatalk 4 Lt
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