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Bug Report WaterSpout Flying Glitch


New Member
  • We're using the Project Cora Core Version
  • We're using 1.6.0 BETA 14
  • It exists in a glitch/maybe glitch with 2 abilities
  • So, if you're using water spout, and you use the surge shield, and place it under you, you can infinitely fly around with it
  • I'm not sure, I think it just shouldn't do that.


Verified Member
If your hit by an airbender while spouting you'll get the fly glitch.
it's not new.
it's not omg at this point.
it's just something that is most likely going to be around forever that everyone hates.

just like me.


Verified Member
Every element has a fly glitch, water can fly glitch with waterspout, air with airspout, earth with catapult, and fire with firejet, Remember people, CHI IS NOT AN ELEMENT!!!!!