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WaterSpout config suggestion (REPOST)

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Verified Member
NecKteviL said:
I encountered a problem changing the config of some moves as WaterSpout and WaterBubble.
Then I thought "Well, ok, I gotta use WaterBubble with a big radius"
What happens is that when I try to change the config of any move, when I open the GUI, he upload the default config and I cannot change it.
Then I ask the PK staff if he can set WaterSpout BlockSpiral as default.
Credits: @NecKteviL (NOT MY IDEA)


Verified Member
Whats the point in just quoting someone from a thread and making an entire suggested dedicated to that quote. This is practically spam.
The Original Owner of that thread hasn't been moved and I don't think it will ever. Pickle would have moved at the time he was last time online, but he didn't.
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