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Complete WaterRevert

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God Tier Member
Verified Member
A big thing that has been bothering me since lava bending was released is that water benders can turn the source blocks into obsidian. That would be fine if it didn't stay obsidian forever. I now have huge obsidian platforms all over the nether. Maybe add it so after 5 minutes (configerable) the obsidian resets?


Verified Member
Well considering fire benders in the show could not turn anything into lava(questionable due to Roku's experience on his Fire Nation island), maybe reverting earth materials could be done by an earth bender, like in lava flow. I do not know if it suit heat control well as it is a fire ability, not even sure why heat control can cool lava in the first place...? I've not see a fire bender cool any lava in the show, yet.
But as for the water cooling the obsidian, maybe there could have to be sources of lava near it to heat it up again if you understand what I mean? As in the nether wont get greifed because they can only cool the top layer, so possibly it would need a lava source block near it to heat it and convert it into a lava block again?

Just a suggestion, thank!


Verified Member
I think it makes enough sense considering the fact that firebenders have heat control in general. Firebenders are shown that they have the ability to heat up objects, including metal and water (to make tea!)

There's a fine line between firebending and lavabending, but I'd like to extrapolate on that.
For starters, we all know lava is rock that's molten hot. The way a firebender can heat or cool things, to me, means that they could create lava out of rocks if they really wanted to, though I imagine it'd take some training, HOWEVER, they cannot manipulate the object they've heated up, only control its heat.

And, if anything, this would be a nice thing to add to server that would simply prefer to keep their server as nice and natural as possible, because we all know how troublesome it is when a waterbender floods the land or an earthbender makes earth jut out of every thing. The way lava in The Nether is disrupted into troublesome rock formations is something that shouldn't be turned away from in discussion.


Verified Member
I'm going to mark this as complete since I'm pretty sure this already reverts, but please report it in the bugs section if it's not.
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