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Denied Watermanipulation

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Verified Member
Move: Watermanipulation

As we all know watermanipulation now is kind of, well, meh. I think it should be a main water move that is always used.

So my idea is a waterarms type thing in the sense of when activated you get a whole new set of moves basically. To activate this move click with it bound, and to disactivate hold shift while clicking three times.

Slot numbers:

Shift the water and click to shoot a small blast of water at target (same as it is now).

Shift a water source to make cresent shaped projectile ( 3 half blocks of water). And shoot to deal 1 heart of damage, has a 3 second cooldown.

Hold shift at water source for 2 seconds and a 2 by 2 mass of water will follow your cursor where ever it moves. Then to shoot click at target, and it will do 2 hearts of damage. Has a good cooldown.

Click a water source, has long range, and hold shift to pull anything that gets caught in it toward you.

Shift on a water source to raise a 5 high and 4 wide water wall that when you fast click twice the water will freeze and launch at your target. Does 1 heart of damage. You can't freeze this wall without throwing it if click once the wall will disappear. And the wall only lasts 3 seconds.

If needed to get across anywhere or up a mountain use this move. First activate by shifting on a water source then start dragging your mouse to make the bridge/stairs how ever you like, this will be 3 wide and 1 thick. Then while still shifting click to freeze it. Click again to make it back to water, and it will disappear in a couple seconds. It will disappear in 30 seconds or when the user gets to far away. When it goes away you can use it again.

Hold shift on a full block of water to start restoring all the water around it ( making them full blocks again). The longer you hold it the more water is restored.


Shift on to grab a water block and carry it around and you can left click to place it.


Verified Member
I can see where you are coming from. In the show we see a huge variety of what could be called "Water manipulation." Not to mention the name water manipulation is a very universal term that basically describes waterbending as a whole. It really makes sense that if you name 1 move water manipulation, it would have different versions of itself just as Water Arms does. Very good idea!


Verified Member
To me personally, watermanipulation is such a simple ability that making a multi-ability wouldn't be a make it not "meh". Even with its subability's that you have listed doesn't make it any special.

The 2nd is just a copy of first one which no other use than making you look cooler/swagger; 3rd (without damage infliction) and 5th could be incorporated into Surge ability and throwing a huge wall of ice isn't that realistic from a canon perspective; 4th - waterarms does the job done; 6th needs to be an stanalone ability/combo; 7th and 8th could just work as a technique for watermanipulation by sneaking.
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