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Denied Water Manipulation


Verified Member
I realize that the majority here will disagree, but I mean, I think It would be for the best.

Watermanipulation: A lot of waterbenders just spam it. I know this has been said a lot, but I mean, honestly. It's spammed like homework before your teacher walks by. It's ridiculous.

Solution(s): 1)
Just get RID of watermanipulation. This is honestly what I think would be a really great solution.. I know it's very crucial to waterbenders, but, do you know what else is? Water combos, Torrent, Iceblast, Icespike, Surge, and even Waterspout. Watermanipulation is just a way of saying, "Here's you death machine, and uh, a little dash of annoyance-- Oh. I may have spilled the annoyance.. You can just keep all of it."

2) Make it better? I mean, we could just have a better version of it. For example, instead of it having an auto-aim, it could, um, NOT have an auto-aim? Or it could only be bent from water.


So, to sum this up, I just really would like a change or removal of Water Manipulation. Unless there are other ideas that you guys have.
If you do, I would really appreciate you putting it in the comments. Or just your disagreement, because I know this is a very sort of useful move to Waterbenders..

Also, I'm sorry if I sort of sounded a bit rude in this. I'm just very sick of people overusing this. Waterbenders can do so much more than just wave their fists around in a panic. It's disapointing to see people like that.

Thank You!

- VCSunlit


Verified Member
Water bending isn't as OP as you think. Water manipulation can easily be blocked by moves such as Fireblast, Firekick, airshield, airswipe, ect. Also Water manipulation doesn't auto aim. Your probably an easy target :p


Verified Member
Its pretty hard to use without the Water Bottles.
I suggest configuration to use Water Bottles in Water Manipulation: ON or OFF

Aim Water Source: River/Sea/Ocean whatever
Then Fire.

With Water bottles: FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE



Verified Member
Water needs watermanip and if water would loose watermanip because it's spammable, well then earth would also have lose earthblast because it's pretty spammable as well... BUT I do like the idea that it can only be bent out of ice and water! I think the really main problem is that when you stand in tall grass they can kill you in seconds ect.


Verified Member
I find WaterManipulation to be rather easy to deal with especially when spammed since all of the Waterbender's focus is being centered on actually controlling the move, leaving them open to attacks. It only becomes a problem when under water at where they can then easily kill you if FastSwim isn't in your arsenal. Though this is to be expected since water is their domain and to allow yourself to enter it is your own fault.

If it had to be changed though I would recommend it have a configurable amount of shots it and other offensive moves can be fired before a short cool down.
Ex.1: WaterManipulation would have a maximum of 4 shots before entering a 2 second cool down.

This could also be taken a step further at where the cooldown would have the same value as how many times it were used in quick succession.
Ex. 2: If WaterManipulation was used 5 times within 1 second in between each other, a cooldown of 5 seconds or 2.5 seconds (half the initial usage) would be given.

An alternative to this method however is by giving the move itself a timer and cooldown at where once activated, will allow the Waterbender to use the move infinitely for configurable amount of time before entering a mild cooldown.
Ex. 3: If given a timer of 10 seconds, WaterManipulation can be used infinitely for that amount of time but will suffer from a mild cooldown such as 5 seconds.

The beauty of all these methods of balance is that they work with all other moves whether it be just be one method or multiple. If given even more depth, they would also benefit leveling systems at where damage would no longer have to be the main focus as cooldowns and timer values could be changed in their place. That or both could be used to further divide or bring together the line that separates experienced and beginner players.


Verified Member
I find WaterManipulation to be rather easy to deal with especially when spammed since all of the Waterbender's focus is being centered on actually controlling the move, leaving them open to attacks. It only becomes a problem when under water at where they can then easily kill you if FastSwim isn't in your arsenal. Though this is to be expected since water is their domain and to allow yourself to enter it is your own fault.

If it had to be changed though I would recommend it have a configurable amount of shots it and other offensive moves can be fired before a short cool down.
Ex.1: WaterManipulation would have a maximum of 4 shots before entering a 2 second cool down.

This could also be taken a step further at where the cooldown would have the same value as how many times it were used in quick succession.
Ex. 2: If WaterManipulation was used 5 times within 1 second in between each other, a cooldown of 5 seconds or 2.5 seconds (half the initial usage) would be given.

An alternative to this method however is by giving the move itself a timer and cooldown at where once activated, will allow the Waterbender to use the move infinitely for configurable amount of time before entering a mild cooldown.
Ex. 3: If given a timer of 10 seconds, WaterManipulation can be used infinitely for that amount of time but will suffer from a mild cooldown such as 5 seconds.

The beauty of all these methods of balance is that they work with all other moves whether it be just be one method or multiple. If given even more depth, they would also benefit leveling systems at where damage would no longer have to be the main focus as cooldowns and timer values could be changed in their place. That or both could be used to further divide or bring together the line that separates experienced and beginner players.
I like the sound of that. That might solve problems. BUT I think that, if watermanip gets a timer, so will earthblast, iceblast, fireblast, fireburst, blaze(for sure!), etc. (not airswipe, that would be a too big nerf for air). Atm I think that fire would also need this. I know a lot of fire benders who just fire all their (too?) Powerfull attacks at you. They only need a small cooldown for those, and they can get you very easily down health. In the show fire always sort of reminded me of a fancy fighting style. In MC all they do is shooting charged fireblast, lightning, etc. At a distance. In the show they would actually et near their opponent instead of shooting fireballs at a distance. Same for earth. All the most dangerous earthbenders do is trying to get near you and then spam earthblast under you... I really like this. This might really solve the problem!


Verified Member
Bending is spam. In the show, they spam. Watermanipulation is a powerful and important asset to waterbending. Going with your logic, then Fire Blast, Air Swipe, and Earth Blast should all be removed.

Water Manipulation is blockable by many many moves such as the ones listed previously, and more. Plus, you can disable Water Manipulation in the config already: enabled: false.

Water Manipulation's auto aim is no different from Earth Blast's. It is the player that causes the damage, not the Auto Aim. I have no problem dealing with Water Manipulation as any element.

"Learn to counter and defeat it, rather than sit and complain about it,"~


Verified Member
Bending is spam. In the show, they spam. Watermanipulation is a powerful and important asset to waterbending. Going with your logic, then Fire Blast, Air Swipe, and Earth Blast should all be removed.

Water Manipulation is blockable by many many moves such as the ones listed previously, and more. Plus, you can disable Water Manipulation in the config already: enabled: false.

Water Manipulation's auto aim is no different from Earth Blast's. It is the player that causes the damage, not the Auto Aim. I have no problem dealing with Water Manipulation as any element.

"Learn to counter and defeat it, rather than sit and complain about it,"~
It's a little difficult to counter it when it's being launched at you from fifteen different directions. Even if you to try to redirect it, the person will just keep waving their fists to force it back to you.


Verified Member
It's a little difficult to counter it when it's being launched at you from fifteen different directions. Even if you to try to redirect it, the person will just keep waving their fists to force it back to you.
Ah, so you're looking at it from a Waterbender vs Waterbender stand point? Waterbending vs Waterbending is not about redirectability, how fast you can click, or none of that nonsense. It's about strategizing your positions and getting into the right spot and knowing your environment extremely well. Lack of ability to do this is the reason for your troubles against Water Manipulation.


Verified Member
Water bending isn't as OP as you think. Water manipulation can easily be blocked by moves such as Fireblast, Firekick, airshield, airswipe, ect. Also Water manipulation doesn't auto aim. Your probably an easy target :p
I know waterbending is not op, because I always play as one. It's difficult to block it, even with an ice wall. They'll just use water manipulation from the river behind you, making the shield useless. Even if you try to redirect it, it's pretty impossible since they launch it at you from forty directions. Even if you disapate it, another will come towards you. I like to see waterbenders strategize rather than just spam this move... It makes battles more ineresting and a lot more fun to have the waterbender your fighting use other methods of waterbending.


Verified Member
Ah, so you're looking at it from a Waterbender vs Waterbender stand point? Waterbending vs Waterbending is not about redirectability, how fast you can click, or none of that nonsense. It's about strategizing your positions and getting into the right spot and knowing your environment extremely well. Lack of ability to do this is the reason for your troubles against Water Manipulation.
I don't think you've played with an actual water spammer... It doesn't matter if you actually try to be skillful and measure your environment. As long as your near grass or something they can bend, you will die in three seconds.. I try to strategize and use things around me, but it's difficult. I'm already dead by the time I try to launch a torrent.


Verified Member
I know waterbending is not op, because I always play as one. It's difficult to block it, even with an ice wall. They'll just use water manipulation from the river behind you, making the shield useless. Even if you try to redirect it, it's pretty impossible since they launch it at you from forty directions. Even if you disapate it, another will come towards you. I like to see waterbenders strategize rather than just spam this move... It makes battles more ineresting and a lot more fun to have the waterbender your fighting use other methods of waterbending.
Spamming can only get you so far, adding strategy to your spam increases your chances of winning.

Water Manipulation is easily blocked with a left click. Surge Ice Wall does block Water Manipulation as well, but you'd be silly to be standing on or near Water Sources, since it won't end well. That's why you must know your environment extremely well to be an effective waterbender.


Verified Member
I don't think you've played with an actual water spammer... It doesn't matter if you actually try to be skillful and measure your environment. As long as your near grass or something they can bend, you will die in three seconds.. I try to strategize and use things around me, but it's difficult. I'm already dead by the time I try to launch a torrent.
I haven't played with a water spammer? LOL, sorry. I WAS a water spammer, I know all about it. I've been waterbending for 3 years, since Orion first released the original bending plugin. I've seen water spamming in and out, it can be beaten and i've done it plenty.


Verified Member
Spamming can only get you so far, adding strategy to your spam increases your chances of winning.

Water Manipulation is easily blocked with a left click. Surge Ice Wall does block Water Manipulation as well, but you'd be silly to be standing on or near Water Sources, since it won't end well. That's why you must know your environment extremely well to be an effective waterbender.
Water is literally everywhere. Even if I'm standing in a desert, waterbenders can still bend the cacti and dead bushes. I'm not a fool to be standing near water.


Verified Member
I haven't played with a water spammer? LOL, sorry. I WAS a water spammer, I know all about it. I've been waterbending for 3 years, since Orion first released the original bending plugin. I've seen water spamming in and out, it can be beaten and i've done it plenty.
Yeah. You've been playing for a while. I haven't. It's the beginners that need this. Not the skillfull people like you.


Verified Member
It's a little difficult to counter it when it's being launched at you from fifteen different directions. Even if you to try to redirect it, the person will just keep waving their fists to force it back to you.
You clearly dont know your facts, watermanipulation has a 1 second cooldown, meaning if a person wantes to create 15 manips it would take around 15 seconds... Thats click, shift, and launch time excluded

Let's also disable Fireblast, Earthblast and Airswipe shall we?


Verified Member
You clearly dont know your facts, watermanipulation has a 1 second cooldown, meaning if a person wantes to create 15 manips it would take around 15 seconds... Thats click, shift, and launch time excluded

Let's also disable Fireblast, Earthblast and Airswipe shall we?
I might not know my facts.. But I would really respect some critism.. Not sarcasm and some rude comeback...


Verified Member
1) This is configurable by server, ANY server owner can simply disable the move in the config and BAM, you're done.
2) WaterManipulation is fundamental, and for those who say you can spam it with bottles, you really cannot.


Verified Member
I might not know my facts.. But I would really respect some critism.. Not sarcasm and some rude comeback...
It's not sarcasm, Watermanipulation does have a 1 sec cooldown... You are hating on watermanipulation when airswipe and fireblast are even more spammable due not needing a source