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Water Dome [WATER] (Waterbending)

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Verified Member
This would be a waterbending defensive move that would branch from waterbubble.

To keep this from being OP, you cannot freeze the waterbubble or switch to another move.
It will only block fire moves and basic element moves. *Chiblockers electrocute will not work unless in the dome and smokescreen will still work, but will lose momentum.*

*It would not block waterbending moves such as torrent, iceblast, and octopusform.
*It would not block airbending moves such as airburst, airswipe (charged) and sonicblast.
*It would not block earthbending moves such as shockwave and earthline, quicksand, and earthsmash and any move associated with metal.
*It would not block firebending moves such as lightning, wall of fire, and discharge.
*Firebenders would be able to firejet (combo jets too) through the dome, but will be put out on contact*

To activate this move, you would click in water with waterbubble, then shift.
You could also just shift if it's raining. The dome would be as big as waterbubble during a normal night and upon release, it would do a small wave with little knockback. *It CANNOT be bottle-bended* You cannot do waterbubble at the sametime as water dome.

This would have a 5sec cooldown.
It would take 5sec for build up, starting from the ground "building" water blocks until it's a sphere. Can be used while waterspouting. If in the air, it will form a full dome.
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Verified Member
You guys really shouldn't chime staff in, much less MistPhizzle, to take their time to look at your suggestion as if it's more important than the rest...
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