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Hi, I looked this up to see if someone had suggested this already (I didn’t find anything, but someone may have). This move would be similar to WallRun, in the sense that:

- All elements can use it (unless deemed otherwise by server owners)

- It’s a passive, simple ability (doesn’t need to be bound)

Correlation to the Show
People kicked off the wall all the time. There’s probably a lot of images on this, but the one I’m looking for didn’t show up, since I don’t know what to search for. I’ll describe it in hopes that someone knows what I’m talking about: The scene where Ty Lee and Azula infiltrate the Earth Kingdom dressed as Kiyoshi Warriors, and Ty Lee takes everyone down.

The Move
Obviously, the move is WallKick (sorry about the lack of creativity in the name). I realize that something like this is possible using WallRun, if the person were to use it to push off the wall, but this would be much easier. First off, the player is facing away from the wall. From there, when the player is one block (or less) away from a two block area of wall, they’d simply double click, and kick off.

***As another thing, if people think it should be like this, the player must be in midair for this to activate.
***Feel free to say how you think this should be activated.

Slightly Technical Things
- Range: Since the highest Speed buff (to my knowledge) obtainable by bending is Speed II, which has a four to five block range, I’d say this move can push a person off the wall by about six or seven blocks, but that’s just me. Other people can disagree. Feel free to debate this.

- Cooldown: Honestly, it’d be fun with no cooldown. We’d get to see people jumping up walls (as long as they can activate it in time). People might not agree with me though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Complications and Concerns (That I Can See)
1. The player could be on a move that is activated by the punch motion (i.e., WaterManipulation, FireBlast, EarthBlast, AirBlast, AirBlade, etc.). I don’t see a particular issue with this, it would be uncomfortable at first, but if they want to avoid that happening, just step forwards a bit. It could also be incorporated into fighting to lunge forwards. (If the *** is incorporated, this wouldn’t be an issue)

2. This move could likely be used underwater, which would likely annoy a few WaterBenders if people got out. But in real life, people can push off of structures, and the water slows movement. This is already the case with WallRun anyways.

3. I had one. Maybe if I remember, I’ll update this. Apologies for my dull mind.

Final Words
It'd be nice to have this, especially since I play as a ChiBlocker (not very good though). It would be nice to have an additional movement option. It’d be great for lunging towards someone, and if everyone can use it, it’s not specifically overpowering to an element. Just overpowering to a person who knows how to use it properly.

If someone already suggested this, I’m sorry for not being able to find it, which becomes I’m sorry for taking your idea, even though I didn’t mean to. Also, please be as harsh with your comments, because I’m not sure about this (not even proud enough to call it an) idea myself. Hopefully I suggested this correctly. This probably isn't a new idea, people have probably embedded it in their suggestions and I was too dull to find it.

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
I really like this idea! It would be a great addition to dodging, parkouring, etc. I can even imagine doing some wall climbing like Super Mario or Ratchet. Love it!


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I would say this is just like freerunning which I'm pretty sure we are all hoping will become an actual move. And I also think this would just be for chi, and 5-6 blocks is a lot by the way that's 15-18 feet jumping off a wall...


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I would say this is just like freerunning which I'm pretty sure we are all hoping will become an actual move. And I also think this would just be for chi, and 5-6 blocks is a lot by the way that's 15-18 feet jumping off a wall...
Sorry, I have to disagree. From what I can gather, FreeRunning is a ChiBlocking move only. Unless you're implying that only ChiBlockers can kick off walls, in which case, I'd have to heavily disagree. Therefore, the words "just like", are groundless. I'd agree that there are similarities, but from what I can see, there is no specific mention of kicking off a wall to cover distance in an attempt to be agile. Perhaps dodge, or back flip, but that's a maybe.

Next, when combined with AcrobatStance, HighJump brings a ChiBlocker up a minimum of 7 blocks (7 meters, or 23 feet). Furthermore, as mentioned, when a player is sprinting with Speed II, they have the ability to cover a distance of 4 blocks. As I said though, the range can be debated, as it is just my thinking that moves should only be used when beneficial. If I can cover the same distance with regular running, there'd be less motivation to use this move.

Moving on back to where you say "this would just be for chi". Taking from MistPhizzle's explanation post "Let's Learn A Thing About How Ability Development Works",

“when a suggestion is made, the person...only thinks about one element...These aren't necessarily denied, ...push them to the side...new waterbending feature you suggested would be cool, it could very well throw the whole plugin out of balance."

If this move were to be ChiBlockers only, it'd be quite strange. After all, as mentioned earlier, everyone can kick off a wall. Furthermore, WallRun is a move that can be used by all elements. Seeing as WallRun was a move mentioned in the FreeRunning suggestion, I'd have to think that the circumstances would be similar. I think you get what I mean ;).

Also, another tiny detail from MistPhizzle's post. "suggestions we receive and choose to consider and tries to make them work for everyone". If everyone can use the move, then it works for everyone. At least that's my way of thinking.

Out of curiosity though, what do you think would be an appropriate jumping distance? Not sure how to bring your attention back to this, @Green (did I do that properly?), but I'd love for your input on an appropriate range :)


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I never really got wallrun being able to be used by all elements, I mean they quickly run up a 100 foot wall?? That doesn't make any sense without airbending....


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I never really got wallrun being able to be used by all elements, I mean they quickly run up a 100 foot wall?? That doesn't make any sense without airbending....
No one said wallrun was perfect- and it would make sense for there to be a toned down version for chi and fire. (Though I do think that earthbenders should be able to wallrun on earthbendable surfaces)

@LionheadGoldfish , I don't see the point in making a new move, rather, I think that right clicking off of the wall you're wallrunning on would suffice for a stronger wallkick, and just jumping and right clicking once you're at the wall would be good for a normal wallkick (personally, I'd be fine without this move because I'm fine with wallrunning then launching myself off the wall by looking in the air, but this is fine too). I also thing that some bending should be implementing to the feature of launching yourself off the wall, like earthbenders being able to make a pillar from the earthbendable surface they're wallrunning on to launch themselves, or firebenders using fire to propel themselves off the wall.


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Well to be honest You would expect air to be able to wallrun the farthest, chi next (agility passive) then fire, But what I don't understand at all is the ability to wallrun while swimming. That makes no sense UNLESS you are a waterbender because as a waterbender you have the ability to lessen the amount of resistance you face while swimming therefore allowing you to wallrun. (also why fastswim works). Thats my only complaint.


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@LionheadGoldfish , I don't see the point in making a new move, rather, I think that right clicking off of the wall you're wallrunning on would suffice for a stronger wallkick, and just jumping and right clicking once you're at the wall would be good for a normal wallkick (personally, I'd be fine without this move because I'm fine with wallrunning then launching myself off the wall by looking in the air, but this is fine too). I also thing that some bending should be implementing to the feature of launching yourself off the wall, like earthbenders being able to make a pillar from the earthbendable surface they're wallrunning on to launch themselves, or firebenders using fire to propel themselves off the wall.
I agree with the points, @SuperBower118 you have made. Simply “jumping and right click once you’re at the wall” is much easier than whatever I thought could activate the move. Similarly, your suggestion of a “stronger” WallKick is something I didn’t even think of (but more creative than my imagination, thanks for thinking of that), but at the same time, as you said, that’s the same as looking in the air while using WallRun.

I think a “normal WallKick” is what I was thinking of, something easy to activate, making it easy to jump around on walls or trees. I do think that this would be different from WallRun, because (ideally) this wouldn’t have a cooldown, and would be fun for jumping up buildings. Of course, WallRun could easily scale the building, so I guess this would be for enjoyment. In a combat scenario, however, lunging off a wall without cooldown could be more beneficial than WallRun, because on the server I play on, WallRun has a cooldown. (Of course, I think WallRun is useful, which is likely a biased opinion on my part, because I’m not good, so having a quick and easy skill to activate would be much easier for me to play with)

A bending bit to the move would be visually appealing, but as I’ve mentioned, people can bounce off walls (with or without bending). Additionally, I was hoping WallKick could become passive, like WallRun, and wouldn’t require many complications. If a bending bit were added, it seems like it would become an actual move (which is too complicated, and no one would really use it).

Well to be honest You would expect air to be able to wallrun the farthest, chi next (agility passive) then fire, But what I don't understand at all is the ability to wallrun while swimming. That makes no sense UNLESS you are a waterbender because as a waterbender you have the ability to lessen the amount of resistance you face while swimming therefore allowing you to wallrun. (also why fastswim works). Thats my only complaint.
I was under the assumption that WallRun while in open water was removed, @ArchBear_Vega , and you could only WallRun off blocks in the water. But this is where I think WallKick would be logical. Rather than running off a wall under water, kicking off a wall makes more sense. This post is for WallKick though, and not WallRun.


Verified Member
But you can wallkick with wallrun....
After looking again,@ArchBear_Vega , I'm assuming you're referring to the momentum that will propel the player off the wall. That or when a player is standing by a wall, and they use WallRun directly off of it. I'm discussing something slightly different, especially when WallKick doesn't exist, and there's no way for it to be used.


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Fastest with air

Fire can be boosted with fire , but wouldn't go as high as air. (would be particles)

Earth can go as high as air BUT the wall has to be earth bendable.

Chi would go less than half of air because they have nothing to boost them.

Water can't do it (sorry it makes no sense)

Now that is fair. ^^^^


Verified Member

Fastest with air

Fire can be boosted with fire , but wouldn't go as high as air. (would be particles)

Earth can go as high as air BUT the wall has to be earth bendable.

Chi would go less than half of air because they have nothing to boost them.

Water can't do it (sorry it makes no sense)

Now that is fair. ^^^^
@Green That's great! But this isn't a thread for WallRun. If you do want WallRun to be changed though, create your own post. In the mean time, WallKick would be fair because everyone can kick off a wall.
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