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Torrent wave

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Verified Member
As of now torrent wave, when you release shift is kind of well big... It doesn't really make any sense that a 3 tall wall of water can go out in all directions around you for a long distance. So what I am suggesting is when you release shift a 1 block tall water wall, a block off the ground, will disperse out and not that long of a range.


Verified Member
This was suggested though, but no one looked into. I do agree with you, but there should be an exception for avatars, since they are capable off compressing the huge water into small volume during avatarstate.


Verified Member
There is an option in the configuration file to change the wave size. I am not sure if it acts like high jump or fire burst though. With high jump, 1 is like a 2 block jump. But when you set the height to 2 you jump like 15 blocks in the air. The configuration is weird. Talk with your server developers/owners to see if they can test the torrent wave size. By default the wave is at 1.


Verified Member
Ok I just looked and you can change the radius, kockback, height, grow speed, interval and cool down. What I described above was referring to the height, although it may have sounded like radius? I dont know.


Verified Member
But I don't think that should even be a config because it doesn't make any sense....


Verified Member
It is up to the server owners to decide what they want it to be like. I think that is the best way. If you don't like it, talk to them and see what you can do.


Verified Member
I see it reasonable to suggest some configuration to be default, that is if there is good reason.

Remember how bending's configuration wasn't balanced at all? One member, namely Loony, suggested it to change them to how he thought each ability would be fair against all the bending arts, and look it now - changes are done how he wanted. Depending to what situation we are talking about, the " you can change _something_ [yourself]" excuse isn't the good one to speak off, like how @Joeri said.


Verified Member
There is no point in them going through the trouble making something default if it's already customizable. A lot of the things you see on servers is edited and not default. If a server owner or anyone else with configuration wants it to be different, they have the option to change it.


Verified Member
In this case, yes, I can agree for you. If earthblast's default damage value happens to be changed, to 10, than staff would go straight away changing it in my opinion. Defaults have to be balanced thought.

I don't really care about releasing 1 or 3 sized wave, so I have nothing to add that would be relative to the suggestion in this thread.


Verified Member
I do think a balanced default would be needed. But as long as it's balanced that's all they need to do. They shouldn't change it as long as there is a way to change it in the config.
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