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Torrent Freeze

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Verified Member
Sometimes water benders make a mess when freezing stuff, which makes sense, but what annoys me that whenever I want to freeze someone to a solid wall, this big ball of ugliness occupies a big space when it could just simple incapacitated in a 1 block layer ice suit. Waterbenders normally binded their enemies in that thick ice #whatever-you-like-to-call-it against another object. You can look one of these examples in Jet and The Puppetmaster episodes.

So what I'm asking? I'm saying that whenever a waterbenders tries to freeze against, for example - a tree, a 1 block thick and 2 high ice dome attached to the following structure.

Gif when Aang gets frozen.



Verified Member
I think this should just be an add on some how to the other torrent freeze thread I made, torrent is to big now so.
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