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Denied Torrent Blockage

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Verified Member
Title: TorrentBlockage
Element: Water
Definition: As many people have requested, I think torrent needs to be able to be blocked, but not that torrent becomes useless. This combo (emphasize combo; you'd have to be really quick to know, or really quick to perform the combo) would stop all incoming torrent attacks headed towards you. As you waterbenders out there know, if a torrent hits a block, the torrent itself is about nine blocks. (once it leaves the ring) If it hits a block, it would keep heading towards it until its "tail" block hits it. Then, the torrent runs out and you can keep bending, attacking, and so on. However- assuming you're in a waterbender 1v1 (an agni kai version of waterbenders), you'd obviously want to simply block the torrent and not let the opponent shove you up against the wall, because that might get you killed. So, you would do the following combo, and it'd look like these pictures/gifs.

TorrentBlockage: Torrent (Tap Shift) > Torrent (Tap Shift) > Torrent (Click)

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Verified Member
I don't think this is needed nor do I think it belongs in the Core plugin, denied.
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