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Tornado Improvement

Should tornado be upgraded?

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Verified Member
I was using tornado earlier and i realised that it had very little purpose in the air bending arsenal. So i thought about some ways it could actually be useful:
1. Projectile- after creating a tornado, an airbender should be able to launch it in the direction that they are pointing in and the tornado should go in that direction for about 2o blocks.
2. whirlwind- instead of the tornado just moving players/mobs around, it should launch them at a slight upward angle upon contact so it could be used as a quick shield.
3. defense- a launched tornado could be used to stop moves like earth smash, water/lava surge, and fire burst. its should clear a path wherever it goes by deflecting or simply cancelling out the oncoming moves.
4. vortex- if the knockback upon impact seems to op, another option is that the tornado would lift the target off the ground for a few seconds and the air bender would control them. this move would be similar to blood bending except that the player trapped in the vortex can still move and they will only be trapped for a few seconds before the air bender decides to either launch the tornado away with them or simply drop them.
5. absorption- if a bender is using tornado and the use it to block a fire blast or a water manipulation, the tornado would then temporarily take on the properties of the move that was blocked by becoming a fire tornado or a water spout. The effect would only last for a couple of sec and if the air bender decides to launch it before it wears off, who is hit by the tornado would take added damage and knockback
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Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Just saying, Tornado is currently a mainly utility move, used to obtain high heights, not for combat.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
AirSpout is a toggle, with Tornado you go higher but you need to keep holding crouch and looking down.


God Tier Member
Verified Member
I have not fought many air benders but I found tornado very annoying when I was trying to use LavaSurge and it kept knocking me into the lava. :p
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Verified Member
Tornado flyers used to be op, in my opinion. This shields them from most basic moves now too. I don't like this that much. Airbending can be used very effectively against things like earthbenders. They run way to fast to be hit by earthblast, they can shoot airswipe through raiseearth, come on people, this is to op for just making a useless move useful.
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