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The Future of Lavabending


Verified Member
I think there are issues with the way Lavabending is currently, and they way it's development is being approached. The two moves included in Core are clunky, hard to use effectively, and don't work well with other Earthbending moves. I think two think are not being considered when people think about the development of Lavabending as a whole.

Lavabenders are not just being a solid object anymore, but instead something more akin to a fluid, similar to Waterbenders.
Lavabending should be more like Waterbending, the more towards the use of the fluid. I realize that lava and water are quite different, but the moves should have some similarity in certain aspects. One thing that makes Lavabending so hard to use in a 'fluid' manner, is the fact that created lava doesnt last. Waterbenders have their source all around them, but for Lavabenders, not so much. It should really be more permanent on the battlefield, like in the show. Additionally, each other element, outside of Chi of course, has a way to combat the lava, namely by cooling it.

On a sepreate, but similar note, i submit that something should be implemented to where, when you throw lava, maybe with some future, more powerful move(s), that it actually lands and spawn lava at the end of its trajectory and begins to slowly melt other rock in the area, like in the show. Each time Bolin threw up rock to defend, the lava slowly made it's way threw. The whole essence of lavabending is how it's widespread and destructive.
Lavabenders are also still Earthbenders, but this is not very well represented in-game.
By this I mean that lava moves do not interact with earth moves and any interesting or intuitive ways. For example, first time i played with Lavabending, i raised a wall of earth tried to make it all lava. This did not work, and i was perplexed as to why something as simple as this interaction between moves did not work. I understand why it does not work mechanically, but not as to why it wasn't made to work together.
All these things are just important things i think should be brought up to the community and discussed. I'm eager to see what the community has to say. I love the Plugin so much and want to see it grow into something that maybe even the writers of show are proud of. Thanks!


Verified Member
This should not make lava last, because that would grief arena's like hell, or imagine a wooden house. Although I do agree that lava should melt through blocks, lava is very damaging, and lava can already be considered overpowered. Maybe if something happened like people would have to choose sub elements.


Verified Member
I think it should last longer than it currently does, maybe as long as other Earthbender changes? And of course it's destructive, that's the point. You could always try and move the fight away from your house, or rebuild. Server rules could be put in place if this is really an issue tho.