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Complete Testing for blocks like sand before temp blocks are made to stop sand problems

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Now, I don't know much about what is going on in the dev build so I'm not sure if this still applies. However, this came as a possible solution to sand and other falling blocks not being reverted properly when bending. For example, after messing around with just one other person, the landscape quickly turned to this:

Although you can't see a lot of it, there are lots of holes and other places where the sand has tried to be replaced but fails, so it drops as an item.

So, I was wondering if it was possible to hardcode in tempblocks to check for blocks like sand or gravel above the block being temporarily modified, then set them to another temp block like sandstone or stone. Now I know a lot of moves already do this, which is great. But sometimes other moves, particularly ones made by other people (not trying to offend anyone here), don't follow this and therefore make a mess. I'm just wondering if harcoding it into the temporary block function would fix a lot of this.

I don't know if this would actually work or not since there may be other problems, but it's just a suggestion.

Thanks :)


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There is a method (EarthMethods.moveEarth or something) which turns sand into sandstone. I do agree that gravel should turn into stone though.
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