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Platform - structure that is 6x6 (blocks) in size by the default configuration, and 1 block high.
Horizontal Column - (or 'column' for sort) self explanatory. It's 1 block high, and by default configuration 6 blocks width.
Edge-Block/Starting point - the block that was clicked on first, which is the start block following a row of blocks to left and forward for the platform's blueprint, and only forward for the column's blueprint: from the player's perspective.

I know there are threads about the request of a new ability that gives the earthbender capability to move blocks horizontally. I do like them, but I dislike the principle of having them standalone abilities. So therefore, here's my 2 request I wanna share for a change in earthbending arsenal:

  1. Remove RaiseEarth
  2. Create TerrainShift ability.
TerrinShift will include these following functions, that are listed below. These are switchable in between by right clicking a block, toggling off the current one and replacing it with the other one disabled. Also, when the current one is switch to another one, all its changes to the enviroment will be reverted back to normal

Does the same thing as of the RaiseEarth ability we have right now, so I won't go on details because it's self explanatory.

With this feature, an earthbender can pull or push, move to left or side a earthbendable platform or a horizontal column to his control.

To move a column, the earthbender must first select the starting point of the column that he wishes to move by a left click. After that is done (indicated by the changed block into stone that was punched by the bender), execute the shift, hence the name of the ability, by left clicking at the direction you want to move the column. The column will be dashing in the direction you had directed to after the final click. The space of the column's travelling path must be unoccupied by solid blocks.

To move a platform, the earthbender must first select the edge-block of the platform that he wishes to move by a shift click. After that is done (indicated by the changed block into stone that was punched by the bender),execute the shift, hence the name of the ability, by tapping shift at the direction you want to move the platform. The platform will be dashing in the direction you had directed to after the final click. The space of the platform''s travelling path must be unoccupied by solid blocks.
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Verified Member
Those who are two lazy to read it and needs a clarified summary:

Left click at a block, sweep the pointer, left click again to move a horizontal column in the direction you sweeped the pointer.

Tap shift at a block, sweep the pointer, tap shift again to move a 6x6 platform in the direction you sweeped the pointer.

Right click to toggle-on raiseearth, right click to toggle-off it and enable ^^^^^ that thingy.


Verified Member
Here's an example on moving a column (remember its horizontal) to left in order. Later on I'll be placing an scheme about moving platform in another reply.
(P.S. In third pic, the stone block should be turned back to dirt, but I forgot to change the color, so there's this mistake in my scheme).


Verified Member
This really seems like a combo rather than a move in it's self. I love the idea though. By saying "moves his pointer down from center" do you mean starting at the bottom and moving your cursor up or starting at the center and moving your cursor down? With the moving cursor it sounds a lot like the combo Air Sweep, so this means that this is completely possible to do. If it were made into a combo I am not sure what moves you would use to activate it... I love this idea but I feel it holds a lot of mechanics for 1 move. And earth doesn't have a lot of combos so you could split it up into a few combinations involving the current Raise Earth and some other moves. OR it could be like Fire Kick. Fire Kick is just Fire Blast with certain motions. The platform idea could be like Left Click > Tap Shift > Hold Shift. And then you could shoot the platform with left click and all that jazz. Anyways, I love the idea, but I think if it's gonna hold so many features (moving cursor, toggle on and off) it should be a combo rather than 1 move.


Verified Member
I still don't understand....... Please make pictures in minecraft. I really like the idea but I don't fully understand.


Verified Member
I don't see how's that a combo. You're m doing a raiseearth, except horizontally. I just realized that the cursor adjust the players camera (haven't played minecraft in a looong time), so pretend I never used the words "from center" :confused: Basically, you left/shift click the block, move down your cursor to your feet, left/shift again to move the column/platform. Recreating RaiseEarth and MoveEarth as combos isn't the best excuse for solving the lackage of them for this bending art.
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Verified Member
Can't right now, but what I can do is direct you how to the make the example yourself by making the pictures of self and nobody would have to wait for me to do so. If you assist, you can follow my guide that I'll be telling you in conversation/pm, and by collecting your pictures I would covert them into one gif that demonstrates the ability and I'll paste them here.


Verified Member
Rephrase the text; Made it easierto understand (don't ask me why I tried to act smarty-pancy with the nonsense I just wrote just that brought the heck out confusion o you guys). Ignore the sentences/words with striked line thingy thing - skip em n dont read, I'll be deleting those words soon. I just left it there so I could remember it to delete on pc, because I can't do that on mobile device, so I'm not risking to delete important/necessary stuff in that post. I'll also will make last edit changes of tommorow to fix gramatical and other literal errors, those that I'm aware of.
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Verified Member
Quick update, nevermind I decided to erase those lines that weren't necessary now or never. Now it should be clear (or hopefully at least in some results) about the idea itself.


Verified Member
Still no pictures...
It might take much more longer, but at the mean time...
Can't right now, but what I can do is direct you how to the make the example yourself by making the pictures of self and nobody would have to wait for me to do so. If you assist, you can follow my guide that I'll be telling you in conversation/pm, and by collecting your pictures I would covert them into one gif that demonstrates the ability and I'll paste them here.


Verified Member
Then someone else can create it. This is just simply raiseearthing a thing except horizontally, with a complete control in what direction you wanna move it to
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