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TerrainShift (Redo)

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Verified Member
With my first suggestion of this, I felt the idea was confusing and unorganized, so in this post I'm scratching it and redoing it in a new way.

This is pretty much a replacement for raiseearth. This Ability is split into two techniques/modes: raiseeart and moveearth. I will be describing what each of them is and how the work below this paragrahp.

Changed Description said:
Use right click to switch between these two modes: raiseearth and moveearth. For further information about the respective mode, use the command /b h [mode]

RaiseEarth said:
To use, simply left-click on an earthbendable block and scroll upwards. A column of earth will shoot upwards from that location. Anything in the way of the column will be brought up with it, leaving talented benders the ability to trap brainless entities up there. Additionally, simply sneak (default shift) and scroll upwards looking at an earthbendable block. A wall of earth will shoot upwards from that location. Anything in the way of the wall will be brought up with it.
MoveEarth said:
To use, simply left-click on an earthbendable block and scroll upwards or downwards. If scrolled upwards, a horizontal column of earth will be pushed away from you from that location. If scrolled downwards, the horizontal column will be pulled instead. Anything in the way of the column wil be moved along it, leaving talented benders the ability to have control over brainless entities momentum. Additionally, holding right click and simply sneak (default shift) and scroll upwards/downwards. A platform of earth will be pulled towards or pushed away from you from that location. Anything in the away of the platform will be moved along it.

Self-explanatory by the first-in sentence in the description.


Basically, once you left click a block, it will turn into stone (or cobblestone if it already is), indicating it is the top of the column tha you will be lifting. You then scroll upwards away (or you can even use slot keys that are higher then...) from this bind to shoot out the column in height accordingly to how far you scroll. (E.g. if TerrainShift is binded in slot 5, scrolling or hopping onto slot 8 will lift the column by

3 blocks up.). Scrolling futher then the maximum height set in the config doesn't exceed its limit.

Everything goes the same for raising a wall, except all 6 blocks get to turn into stone/cobblestone and 6x6 pillar is shot out.


A new addition to the earthbending arsenal that pulls or pushes, accordingly in what direction you scroll, horizontal columns and surfaces. Once you left ckick a block, it will turn into stone (or cobblestoe if it already is), indicating it is the front, that is facing you, of the column that you will be moving. You then scroll upwards (or you can even use slot keys that are higher then...) from this bind to push the horizontal column; Scroll downwards (or use lower slot keys) from this bind to pull the horizontal column. The Width that will be moved correspondingly depends on how far you scroll. (E.g. if TerrainShift is binded in slot 5, scrolling or hopping onto slot 8 will pull/push the horizontal column by 3 blocks). Scrolling futher then the maximum height set in the config doesn't exceed its limit.

Everything goes the same for moving a platform, except all 6 blocks get to turn into stone/cobblestone and 6x6 surface is shot out.

Enabled: true
Speed: 10
Select Range: 20
Height: 6
Cooldown: 5000​
Range: 15
Height: 6
Width: 6
Cooldown: 5000​
Enabled: true
Speed: 10
Select Range: 20
Length: 6
Cooldown: 5000​
Range: 15
Length: 6
Width: 6
Cooldown: 5000​
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Verified Member
I just feel like this is unnecessary, although RaiseEarth should be able to make pillars jet out of walls like a horizontal RaiseEarth.
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