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Complete Tab to finish typing an ability

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Verified Member
Make it so that tabbing while typing half of the ability name in the chat box within a command will type the whole name for you or allowing you to keep tabbing to chose the ability from others that start with the same typed title. Like in a similar manner when someone type half of the players username and pressing tab it finishes it for the typer.

As of an example, type /b b torr ,than press tab to auto-finish it with /b b torrent


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Already implemented in 1.8.0 Beta 6 and above. :)

If it doesn't work, then you either don't have permission, have an outdated version or are doing it wrong. Hope that helps. :p


Verified Member
I thought it didn't work while I didn't know it was already implanted :/. Well I guess I have to check it again, ensuring that I have everything that you describe in place for this to work. Thank you for telling me that ;)
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