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Surge Wave Varies (part 1?)

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Verified Member
I think that the size, shape and texture should variety a based on what you're (as a waterbender) doing and where you are.

1. For instance, here's what happens when Katara bends a wave from a very steep pond.
Not sure if the waterpool is more than 3 feet deep or it just a fountain with fence obscuring it, but nevertheless it still enforces the main issue below.

Here's what happens in-game (from the pond perspective).

*Gif comming soon*

As you can see, If you try to surge it from an obscure area, you gonna fail. In the show, we can see that it doesn't stop the well known waterbender, by the name of Katara, to launch a waterwave that is situated near here, but further vertical-wise.

So how to fix that: create an instance for the Surge ability, that would do a code check, to see at what height the player is at and if (s)he is behind the bodily source. Once the check is done and is succesfully, this should launch the wave and raise it up to until it reaches the above of the player and send it way pass through the player. If the player is infront of a wall that is 14 blocks tall (in total below and above the player), the check would fail. Meaning that the wall would just smash into wall and disappear without crossing the wall from up and down.

2. When and while sprint, it should send the wave in a stream Jedcore WaterFlow alike, except in a straight line (it could event be set that by this users inertia the wave cannot be set diagonally. Like so

3. Config Option: It would be called AlwaysSplitInHalf, as in boolean, default being set false, but if set to true the wave will split into two, crossing diagonally and crashing into to form a huge wave at the end. With SometimesSplitInHalf (default false) makes it an chance of happening, based off what the variable as a percentage is set to be in OddsOfHappening: 24%. (Example shown in the first gif).

(Maybe this also could be applied under Torrent? Like so: )
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