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Denied Surge Delay

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Verified Member
I personally thing Surge shouldn't have a delay - it feels like it's bug, which it could actually be. Nobody uses it anymore because of that issue I believe.


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Plugin Developer
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Ive never experienced a delay with surge. Its probably a bug.


Verified Member
What kind of a delay? Like a delay to create the wave, a delay to do knockback to the player? I haven't noticed any sort of delay and when i go full water, surge is always a must in my arsenal.


Verified Member
So the whole, click at water, look up, and hold shift? I guess I have noticed that delay but I never use surge for that because it's not easy for me to use in quick combat. Probably this delay I suppose.


Verified Member
That's the one. It's it probably the reason why nobody uses it, because it doesn't spawn to quickly enough or at a decent pace.


Verified Member
When you said it, I checked it myself and it appears it doesn't have it. I might be using beta 10, but I doubt that beta 11 or 12 (which came just now recently) have that option.


Verified Member
Yeah there isn't a delay. If you're experience a delay it's probably server or player lag.

Denied, or maybe it should be complete? Idk
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