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Looking Into Stand

Thomas Hernandez

Verified Member

I was reading some other suggestions and I really liked the idea of earthsmash counter:

A key concept of earthbending is to stand one's ground. So I think there should be an ability that embodies this. The ability would when you shift make you impossible to move (maybe have an animation of a dirtblock moving up to cover ones feet) serving as a counter to airblast and other knockback centered moves. It should also allow you to (while shifted) disintegrate any large chunks of earth (earthsmash) thrown at you. When you click with this ability you can knock away in a random direction earth attacks such as earthsmash or earthblast.

It should be on a timer and have a cooldown however to make sure it isn't abused.

* Another possible feature is that it allows you to hang on to walls like the Dai Li agents.
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Verified Member
Nice suggestion I love the idea of the dirt block holding their feet. This truly embodies the stand your ground aspect of earth. I agree it should break earthsmash and earthblast and negate knockback moves of any element.


Verified Member
Nice suggestion I love the idea of the dirt block holding their feet. This truly embodies the stand your ground aspect of earth. I agree it should break earthsmash and earthblast and negate knockback moves of any element.
I'm not so sure about earthblast, I fear that this could possibly interfere with the current earthblast fightning mechanics. But maybe an addon (or a combo, combo actually sounds better) could be an extra ability that raises up a little wall in front of you, roughly your size maybe a block extension in each direction (the way this is done in the show is like a thin barrier is erected in front of the earthbender as to (this could be like mini raiseearth or just entities, both would be god tier actually maybe blocks that turn into entities when hit @O@). This wall would provide a sort of cover, but one that breaks down. I'm absolutely certain I've seen bumi do that as well, numerous times, in fact a multitude of earthbenders, which im pretty sure is what inspired raiseearth. It could take like one or two hits and explode, slightly pushing the earthbender back (maybe, idk, two or three blocks).

(Sorry to make you click on a link but I cant upload pictures on this device :<)
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ba-sing-se/images/5/5c/Earth_shield.png/revision/latest?cb=20100803102507&path-prefix=nl&imgrefurl=http://nl.ba-sing-se.wikia.com/wiki/Earthbending&docid=ASHFWXTcUJnhPM&tbnid=DrsAhMxdxT4GXM:&vet=10ahUKEwjz6KeaptXTAhVW9WMKHTKdAY0QMwgfKAIwAg..i&w=333&h=250&hl=en-US&bih=653&biw=1024&q=earthbending block&ved=0ahUKEwjz6KeaptXTAhVW9WMKHTKdAY0QMwgfKAIwAg&iact=mrc&uact=8
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Verified Member
Nonononononon that would look terrible... You realize a dirt block would be half your body size which would mean you'd be swimming in Earth.... I think they should just be equipped with leather boots and become immobile.
Yeah, maybe some particles too to further convey the concept via animation


Verified Member
I don't think it should be a solo ability but rather an addon to an existing ability. Nevertheless, looking into.


Verified Member
This seems to fit more of a combo, because a lot of other things can be done with other abilities that'd make more sense.


Verified Member
Those gifs aren't great examples. First off, Toph was doing a barrel role of some sorts. Bumi only shattered a piece of rock before it could even touc--- actually, I think that gif is too, because I recall pushed away with his feet sliding back. Anyway, regardless If he didn't: he still wasn't moved because it didn't pushed him (he manage to disintregrate the boulder in time) and not earthbending was involve with immobility.

I only recall sandbenders doing something similar to what this thread, while they're were attempting to abduct Appa. If there wasn't anything for pure-earth, maybe we should save this for sand sub? It really lacks of abilities like the rest of all subs.

Išsiųsta naudojantis SM-G313HN Tapatalk 4 Lt


Verified Member
I say a combo based off of eartharmor mostly would make sense. Or just an eartharmor addon.

Oh also in reply to mesk; I've been watching a lot of like 'creating avatar' and stuff, the martial art that earth is based on revolves around stances, and holding your ground. Also in the tlok gamee, the only way to get your earthbending back is to hold your ground (this is while fighting a mech) :p I think it's pretty fair to give this move to base earth. It certainly wouldn't hurt to make it central to sand though too


Verified Member
Though that isn't earthbending related. It is martial arts technique, which doesn't really work out with the idea of "Minecraft". It is physical-motor feat, not earthbending.


Verified Member
Though that isn't earthbending related. It is martial arts technique, which doesn't really work out with the idea of "Minecraft". It is physical-motor feat, not earthbending.
It's not an entirely bad idea though.
On orion's server, long before PK, he had changed self earthgrab so it basically kept the Earthbender in place, gave them slowness, but they couldn't take dmg until the 4 blocks that surrounded you were broken. You also couldn't jump out of it.
I'm not entirely sure if what I just described was 100% accurate, but the idea of earth having a move that keeps them rooted isn't entirely a bad idea.


Verified Member
As long as it does makes sense, I'm all up for that. Like how sandbenders did, have "stone" (aka. leather) boots or as a slab appear on the user feet. Color should match the block that below it. Without those, what would the rational be for making them unmovable?



Verified Member
It's not an entirely bad idea though.
On orion's server, long before PK, he had changed self earthgrab so it basically kept the Earthbender in place, gave them slowness, but they couldn't take dmg until the 4 blocks that surrounded you were broken. You also couldn't jump out of it.
I'm not entirely sure if what I just described was 100% accurate, but the idea of earth having a move that keeps them rooted isn't entirely a bad idea.
Yeah that's where I derived my EarthArmor concept from :p


Verified Member
As long as it does makes sense, I'm all up for that. Like how sandbenders did, have "stone" (aka. leather) boots or as a slab appear on the user feet. Color should match the block that below it. Without those, what would the rational be for making them unmovable?

It is also something that a waterbender did.