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Spout Nerfs

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Verified Member
Right now, if you destroy your opponent's spout, they can just get back on it the second it gets destroyed. It gets to the point where there's not much of a point in destroying the spout. Logically, it doesn't make that much sense that the second that you destroy the spout they can just magically regenerate it, and gameplay-wise, spouts tend to dominate any type of PvP that's in the wilderness, mainly with tools. Therefore, I'm suggesting that once you destroy the spout of a waterbender or airbender, their spout will be put on a 4.5 second cooldown.

As you can see here, Korra didn't just get back on her waterspout (which would've been physically impossible because she was in the air and it would've taken time to regenerate the waterspout.), she used her airbending to make an airspout so she could have enough time to get the water back onto her elevation.

Another thing that I'd like to point out is that charged fireblast doesn't do anything to the spouts, only the normal fireblast does, which really doesn't make a lot of sense. I'm suggesting that charged fireblast (if possible) cuts through spouts too.

Also note that let's say that your waterspout gets cut, you can still use airspout (if you have it binded) if you also have airbending.


Verified Member
I understand what you're saying about the spout regenerating quickly, and agree it should be slowed, but I think the gif you displayed means something different than you described. I think she used the air spout as a reflex, the water strike we see shocked her and she didn't expect it. It was sort of an "Oh shit" moment, if you will. I think she used the time to recollect her thoughts, rather than to bring up the spout. I'd like to know what clip that is from also. Because your description implies that she is creating an air spout and water spout at the same time, or bending 2 elements at once. I don't recall an avatar being able to bend more than 1 element at once unless in the avatar state, especially at large amounts like that gif. If i'm wrong please tell me another point in either series. This is just what I am observing off the top of my head at mid night.

If she isn't in the Avatar State in the gif and she is bending 1 element at time, then watch the gif closely. Watch how quick the water appears after the airbending animation goes away. It's pretty quick, but not instant.

If she IS in the avatar state than that would make this sort of uncredible since the avatar state gives a boost and we wouldn't know how it would function without it. So just add a rising animation, that's all you need to slow it down is an animation of the water rising up. The speed of it could be configurable.
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Verified Member
Nice idea!

I think for the sake of balance and preference it would have to be a config option, but I dig the idea that you don't just click and a pillar of water appears under you magically. Not even per se after a spout getting cut, but toggling a spout from anywhere but on the ground should have air/water rising up to carry you; I think it'd be a nice addition realism-wise!


Verified Member
[to Edit2] She wasn't in avatarstate, cuz the camera would let us now by zooming her
zooming her face. Just sayin the show wouldn't skip to the viewers these kind of details in her kick-ass scene. Remember, in ATLA the best waterbender nade a HUGE wave to push back a firenation away from theirs, so theoricly without a doubt a waterbender should be able to make a huge vortex flowing.

A best gif for SuperBower's example - the one when Korra end up with a "cooldown" after trying to chase the equalists that evacutated the scene to their airships, while the probending match was ambust.


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This seems cool and all, but seems it won't help your situation. If I were a smart waterbender or airbender or even earthbender(sandspout) I would run away with my respective mobility moves (Fastswim, airblast, catapult, waterwave, surge, airsuction, airscooter, earthsmash)

However, I do think the animation would be a cool thing to add. And especially for airspout, which should look more like a concentrated tornado rather than a rising column of air.


Verified Member
I really like this idea of having some sort of cooldown for when a spout is broken, looking into!


Verified Member
This seems cool and all, but seems it won't help your situation. If I were a smart waterbender or airbender or even earthbender(sandspout) I would run away with my respective mobility moves (Fastswim, airblast, catapult, waterwave, surge, airsuction, airscooter, earthsmash)

However, I do think the animation would be a cool thing to add. And especially for airspout, which should look more like a concentrated tornado rather than a rising column of air.
Actually it would help if you're in a siege and your moves actually matter, along with your opponents. You could potentially set them up for a trap by having get off their spout, but then again, this is just my FN General skills thinking of this scenario. It's still somewhat useful even in the arena because the water can't just swiftswim for two seconds and then start spouting... AGAIN.


Verified Member
As I hate to say to it, but this will decrease the number of waterbenders that like camping in water (in a good way that's is from me). In my opinion, the biggest problem that makes waterbender's watercamp on daily bases - there is no duration and cooldown for that speedy-swim passive. Then again, ppl will use surge for that, but hey... at least they won't have capability to do it as how far and long they wish to.
I would run away with my respective mobility moves (Fastswim, airblast, catapult, waterwave, surge, airsuction, airscooter, earthsmash)
That's not much of a fight in my opinion, but ehh.
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