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Spiritual Projection
''Spiritual projection is a specialized airbending technique that consists of projecting one's spirit out of the body to travel to another location in a matter of seconds. Through projection, an airbender is able to explore locations that would otherwise have been inaccessible, such as moving around freely underwater or at sealed locations by passing through solid matter, while they can also normally talk with other people. Airbenders can also use this technique to find individuals with whom they have a strong bond by focusing on their spiritual energy. It is a very advanced technique that requires a strong spiritual connection.''
With this ability you can search for lost places, temples, dungeons, villages and a beautiful area where you can make your home.
To Start Spiritual Projection:
Hold shift (meditation) for a certain time then an NPC sitting in your location will consist and this NPC will represent your body, with your name and your skin. First you will be in spirit mode. You will be invisible in the meantime and you will receive vanilla flight and glowing effect. You cannot bend, damage or take damage at this time. Also, you can't open chests, drop items on the ground and can't take the dropped item. In short, spirit mode looks like gamemode 3 except that you can be seen thanks to the glowing effect. this ability will be multi ability (like Waterarms) so Problems such as bending while in spirit mode will be eliminated. The first slot will be (Spirit mode). The second slot will be the (Spiritual mode). The third slot will be the (Return). The first slot (Spirit mode) will do nothing. it will just let you left click or press shift key freely. The second slot will allow you to switch from spirit mode to spiritual mode. The third slot will allow you to return to your body and turn off the ability.


It's simple, you glow when charged and you activate the move starting with spirit mode when you left click. No need for too many unnecessary particles. The glow effect is sufficient.
Body mechanics:
If your body gets damaged while traveling, it will affect your health and after a certain damage, the spiritual projection will close and you will return to your body because your health will represent your energy.

Travel and Spirit mechanics:
Left-click while in Spirit mode and the second slot then you will switch to gamemode 3 (spiritual mode) then you will be completely in the spiritual world and no one will see you. You can teleport to players or travel in 1k (1.000) block away from your body.

To close Spiritual projection:
- While in Spiritual mode Hold shift and left click twice to close the spiritual projection.
- While in Spirit mode switch to the third slot (Return) and left click.
- Spiritual projection will close when your health falls to a certain level
- If you touch your body while in spiritual or spirit mode, the spiritual projection will close.
- you should not be in the air while meditating and the block you are on should be a full cube ( Should'nt be stairs , fence etc.)
- spiritual projection will enter cooldown if damaged during meditation because you have to calm down.
- if you have health below a certain level of health, spiritual projection won't work because your health will represent your energy.
Spiritual Projection:
Enabled: true
Cooldown: ?? (the longer it is used the more cooldown. Jinora was very tired when she came back after being in the spirit world for so long.)
MaxDuration: ??
MeditationDuration: ??
MinimumHealth: ??
CooldownAfterDamage: ?? (during meditation)
DistanceFromBoddy: ??
InvisibleEffect: true/false
GlowingEffect: true/false
Enabled: true/false
DistanceFromBoddy: ??
CanTeleportPlayers: true/false
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