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Shields vs Combustion

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Verified Member
FireShield(dome): should negate it's inflicting damage, except the knockback would still be dealt - pushing the user away with the shield. Zuko wasn't killed and didn't seemed to be injured by the combustion man's beam, but he did got pushed back and as I remember - he was even sent flying off the cliff.

AirShield: should reduce or half the inflicting damage. Tenzin survived P'li's combustion's ray

Surge(wave): when the wave and the beam collides against each other, a "steam" of 50 by 50 particles (preferably white) will appear after the two attacks get nullified, giving both the firebender and waterbender the opportunity to run away from the scene or surprise each one with their second attack. Done by Katara in their first encounter with Sparky Sparky Boom Man.


Verified Member
ireShield(dome): should negate it's inflicting damage, except the knockback would still be dealt - pushing the user away with the shield. Zuko wasn't killed and didn't seemed to be injured by the combustion man's beam, but he did got pushed back and as I remember - he was even sent flying off the cliff.
Yes, true. FireShield (dome) as a move should actually block explosive moves such as charged fireblast and combustion.

AirShield: should reduce or half the inflicting damage. Tenzin survived P'li's combustion's ray
Actually this is a very good idea. I've always thought how airshield works on moves in general is a bit op. Blocking watermanipulation, earthblast, earthkick, fireblast, combustion, charged fireblast. It should block only players and not bending moves. The bending moves itself should do less maybe even half the original damage. The airshield radius should also as shown in the show be only around the player. When Tenzin was fighting P'li, Ming Hua, Zaheer, and Ghazan he was able to make airshields to weaken their moves, not completely block them. Knockback and minimal damage should occour.


Verified Member
I think the airshield is fine how it is. It does deflect some bending abilities but that is how it should be. Airshield is currents of fast moving air that is designed to protect the player for a bit. AND the player MUST be shifting the entire time meaning that the player is partially immobile and can easily be weakened. Water should not be able to break through because the stream would break and it would be a big mess of water. Fire should not be able to break through for obvious reasons. And some earth moves aren't powerfull enough to break through. With any element you can get through the shield and weaken the bender very easily. Fire: Fireshots, Water: Torrent, Earth: Lava (Any move), Air: Any air move, Chi: High Jump + Rapid Punch. You gotta be creative

Airshield size is editable in the configuration so if you want the size changed talk to your server owners or developers. In Beta 10 (I believe) you can also edit the particle density. The current default size of airshield HAS been seen to be successfully used in the show.


Verified Member
I think the airshield is fine how it is. It does deflect some bending abilities but that is how it should be. Airshield is currents of fast moving air that is designed to protect the player for a bit. AND the player MUST be shifting the entire time meaning that the player is partially immobile and can easily be weakened. Water should not be able to break through because the stream would break and it would be a big mess of water. Fire should not be able to break through for obvious reasons. And some earth moves aren't powerfull enough to break through. With any element you can get through the shield and weaken the bender very easily. Fire: Fireshots, Water: Torrent, Earth: Lava (Any move), Air: Any air move, Chi: High Jump + Rapid Punch. You gotta be creative

Airshield size is editable in the configuration so if you want the size changed talk to your server owners or developers. In Beta 10 (I believe) you can also edit the particle density. The current default size of airshield HAS been seen to be successfully used in the show.
Funny, because people say the opposite of what you're emphasis is saying. Otherwise, the description of airshield's statement of being "the most powerful defensive techniques in existence." would be a nasty lie. I didn't see that happening in that particular episode from the server and if it were, you can't argue since I seen other abilities that in reality *should* break the stream but they don't. FireShield is ridiculous, Ik that it should be the least defensive ability, but c'mon! Airshield isn't editable to the extent that I can make it block combustion the way I want to.In addition, I' want these settings to be set as the defaults.
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