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SandVortex - Lame

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Verified Member
I admire the effect and animation how Tornado creates a sand vortex thing that spin sand blocks around it. While I do love it, it seems a bit pointless for an airbender to build a 1x1 just so far that thingy to occur. My question would be what's the purpose of it that made his way to the plugin? Does it affect someone or something differently, other than blowing sand away to random places?

If it hasn't, maybe it could be put somehow to a beneficial use? For Example maybe an airbender could use it for an offensive manor, to knock people with those sandblocks? Or maybe a counter move for certain sandbending abilities, after they get release? Or with the similar control, left clicking the ground while shifting could affect the ground as well that situated with sand, pulling the blocks from an horizontal surface? Along with that, maybe allow tornado to turn into sandy tornado, with blocks of sand spinning constantly around without being thrown out?

What if, instead move this feature to twister, because after all I don't find Tornado ability that useful in any way. I think could serve a more ideal purpose having as a twister feature, as I believe a better coded tactics in it could be thought off (a twister that deals damage and slowness?)

Post your ideas, below if this feature needs improvements and share them if you have an idea on what it could be :)
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