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Sandstorm (New Earth Move)

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Verified Member
Sup. It's been awhile. I was watching ALTA again and noticed how purely awesome toph is. It would be a shame to ignore some of the awesome moves she uses, one in particular, that could be very useful.

This can be a new move for earth. In the gist of it, it would create a huge cloud of sand that, if it were to make contact with a player, would cause a blindness effect.

Usage: In an area with a lot of sand, the player would hold down shift until the sand blocks around them until they see smoke. Upon letting go of shift, blocks of sand be launched at an upward angel in the direction the player was looking. The sand would then freeze in the air and slowly fall back down. If a player were to walk in the area the sand is in, they would be given blindness I. The user can disengage this attack at any time by left clicking with the move selected, causing all the sand to fall back down.

Ideas for how it could work: Sand can become an entity when it's falling, and can be, like all entities, moved around. When sand falls on cobwebs, it also continues to fall, but very slowly. I was thinking an accelerated version of this could be used to make the sand fall slowly.

Limitations: This would have a charge up time of four seconds and a cooldown time of ten. Also, if the player is hit whilst charging the move, than they have to start over. Airbenders can block this move with airshield, and the sand will not go through any blocks, so raiseearth can block it as well.

Where this is used in the show: I can right off the top of my head think of two times that Toph uses this specific move. Once when she was in the arena in the episode The Blind Bandit, and a second time during the episode where the fire nation tries to use a drill to penetrate the walls of Ba Sing Sae.

There you have it! I know that earth is already getting a lot of moves, but I've wanted to see this added for a long time. I don't know how to post gifs, so if anyone would like to post them in the comments of the two times that I mentioned I would be very happy :D.
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Verified Member
What about letting it deal 0.5 demage with small throw back, but creating a less long lastng blindness?
I'd also add a cooldown, maybe.
Imagine all the sand get stuck in your face etc. and it begins itching, would it hurt you think?

How does this look? :D


Verified Member
What about letting it deal 0.5 demage with small throw back, but creating a less long lastng blindness?
I'd also add a cooldown, maybe.
Imagine all the sand get stuck in your face etc. and it begins itching, would it hurt you think?

How does this look? :D
View attachment 163
I was actually thinking of slight damage and knockback at first, but I don't have a preference. I could see people saying that when Toph used it, it was just a cloud of dust, and did no initial damage. However I can also imagine people saying that it's an explosion of sand from the ground, so of course it should do some damage. I like both ideas. A cooldown would probably be necessary to prevent awful spam, which would dramatically lower the tps on any server, so I'll add that in. Also, your image above is EXACTLY what I imagined, but on a smaller scale, so good job :D.

EDIT< The cooldown is now ten seconds, similar to the cooldown of fireburst.


Verified Member
Also, I think there was somebody saying that airbenders would be able to blow the sand away with tornado, and that probably would happen. I wasn't planning on that at first but now that I think about it that would make perfect sense.


Verified Member
I feel like the sandbending SubType should be manipulated with particles instead since we can already bend sand blocks and the particles would better resemble the individual 'grains' of sand. Other than that these abilities sound nice. :p
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