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SandSpout [configuration option]

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Verified Member
Add a option in config.yml option for sandspout, for the manager to choose how it should look like from these two options: particles (current look of it) and falling entities.

The Look of falling entities:

(I do not own this gif, neither did I made it)


Verified Member
Add a option in config.yml option for sandspout, for the manager to choose how it should look like from these two options: particles (current look of it) and falling entities.

The Look of falling entities:

(I do not own this gif, neither did I made it)
I asked for this when I suggested this move, but it was considered to blocky and probably laggy so we went with sand particles.


Verified Member
I have doubts that it will be laggy, but ok. I see some people preferring to have blocks instead of particles, so I thought it making this for those people who would want to change the look of the current sandspout. I don't really much how it could look, but as long the rest of what makes sandspout unique stays in the game.
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