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  • This will only be accesable (that word doesn't exist but you get the meaning) through and classified as sandbending ability.
  • Once shot with left click, a sand projectile will be rushing across the pure sand, until the duration of it ends or when a non-sand block happens to be under it. It can't be lift up in the air, so trying to click with the crosshair being away from the ground will only launch it in that direction.
  • Falling entity would be used for a better animation effect of this attack.
  • If a living thing is touch by this projectile, his feet will be covered in a block or a particle (depinding the size of the creature), either by slowing or preventing the target to walk away.
    • After the player is hit, the projectile will dissapate from moving further, since it has capture its bate.
  • Has a small chance to temporarly blind its caught victim (sand getting into someones eyes forces to close them as it hurts alot)
  • Has some chance to knockback or deal damage, instead of trapping them
  • Can be destroyed and set to cooldown with certain techniques, without it hitting anything and other can cause different effect
    • FireBlast, EarthBlast, AirBlast, SoundSpout, Torrent, Twister, EarthSmash,
      • Turns Torrent into watermanipulation, after the collision between of two
    • Surge will phase throught it, but its size will shrink a few blocks down, as the sand can absorb water, after they occupie one block
    • AirBurst can deflect it to change its moving course in a random direction.


Verified Member
This is like a discount copy of my move SandWave or Surge
Which they don't exist in the game yet.

I wish you all ignored this thread, because I preferr earthgrab doing a similar job to what this move offers :p (ew I hate that emoticon)
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