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Raiseearth after the right click - height alteration

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Verified Member
With RaiseEarth, you can easily raise 6 height walls of earth to where you wish to. But that's not the usual case, as in the series earthbenders where capable of raising this type of shields any shield, either at about 3 blocks tall or full sized 6 blocks. The Only use I can find this to be useful when an earthbender would decide to finish building a transient shelter with the use of raiseearth while the celling of that chosen room is less higher than 5 blocks, without the need of removing it in a messy way (by normal or with earthblast). I still believe that there could be other useful advantage if this were to become a thing

Right clicking the same block of choice before lifting it as a pillar/wall with raiseearth, the height of it will be reduced by one block. If more times were clicked (without switching through slots, because the value of clicks will be reset to 0), the number of those clicks will correspond of the pillars height of how many blocks it will be lower. After the elevation of the pillar(s) with the decreased altidute this value will be reset 0 to the next pillar elevation.

For example, If I were to raiseearth a pillar, and before doing so I decided to make by 4 blocks shorter (set up size on the server = 6 and the condition are met to allow raise that total amount of blocks), I would right click 2 times on that certain pillar elevation point, which would subtract by that number from 6. Now if I raise the pillar, I will get 4 blocks high earth wall.

^ I hope that example is clear for you, because took some time to arranged that text to make it clear.


Verified Member
What's the point of this? You can't use this for building. This wouldn't make any sense for a utility move and it doesn't have a place in combat. What you are suggesting is something that we can already do. Just earthblast the rock you don't want instead of just doing an extra step.

You didn't name any of the advantages that you believe either, so there isn't much of a point to this.


Verified Member
And why's that?
Because why would you need to lower it down a certain when you could just use EarthBlast or Collapse it. And RaiseEarth is supposed to be a wall. Not a shield or shield type barrier. So breaking down blocks would decrease it's effectiveness.


Verified Member
"Not shield or shield type of barrier". Than what is the purpose of it if not for combat or utility? Of course there is mobility option, but people used not just for that, but for others that I have already mentioned.

I don't really mind If this gets rejected. I thought that maybe some people would like to have this for whatever reason :).
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