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Bug Report Problem with permission (Abilities)


Verified Member
I have a problem.
I am using Project Korra v1.5.1 beta 14 with Spigot 1.8
When I install abilities players and admins can use it.
I gave permissions to use abilities to moders. How can I forbid ability to players? There are no errors in console.
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Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
To make a player not able use an ability use the permission node -bending.ability.(movename)

Tyler Hansgen

New Member
I just went through this problem on my server but it was actually very easy to do. What the above poster meant is you need to negate the permissions to the members as one of the wiki pages said. In order to do this you do - -bending.ability.lavaflow or - -bending.ability.SonicBlast If you need more help feel free to pm me for my Skype.