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Denied Power Disc


Verified Member
I been thinking about more ways to include Metal Bending in the plugin and the thought of a power disc came to mind. It would be like shooting a metal disc at an enemy, but when it hits the enemy the disc just falls to the ground. The power disc is just a single iron pressure plate, and you left click to use the move. The disc would shoot out of you hand maybe looking like a "falling iron pressure plate" going towards the target (much like how the dirt blocks look like in earthline). Once it comes in contact with something it just falls to the ground and the plate/disc is placed on the ground. It can be retrieved by holding shift while looking at it. You can also use this to attack someone by clicking while targeting an enemy. The disc would do maybe 3 damage (1.5 hearts) on contact, and then fall to the ground. If the enemy is also a metal bender, he/she could pick up the disc and shoot it back at the original user. I guess this way it could be used for fun games of dodgeball too :D