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(I have seen this move somewhere here a long time ago, but i thought i might as well put it in here.)
- About this move: This move will create a poison ivy under another player. When the poison ivy is used, the other player will have long grass created under them for just a short moment, and will be effected with poison and slowness.
- How to use: To use this, simply just left click the ground under a player, and the plant will shoot up.
- Config: You can config the move to set the effect's you wish to have, and the duration of them. (seconds)
- Permission: Bending.ability.PoisonIvy
- About this move: This move will create just a normal grass (not the block) under a player, for a few seconds, and they will be stuck. They will be effected with blindness for a very short time, and then the grass block under them will keep them still for a configurable amount of time. The only thing that can escape this move, is AirSpout, WaterSpout and FireJet.
- How to use: To use this move, just tap sneak (Default shift) and hit the ground under the player.
- Config: Like it says above, you can config the amount of time of this move, and the cooldown.
- Permission: Bending.ability.PlantGrab
(I have seen this move somewhere here a long time ago, but i thought i might as well put it in here.)
- About this move: This move will create a bridge of lilypads under your feet while going over water.
- How to use: [Non-Passive] To use, Hold sneak (Default shift) , and left-click the water you are crossing. It will shoot out a bridge of lilypads under your feet. [Passive] You just have to sprint, and it will create a 3x3 lilypad bridge under you.
- Config: You can configure the duration, and cooldown (If it's not a passive)
- Permission: [Non-Passive] Bending.ability.PlantBridge [Passive] bending.ability.PlantPassive
- About this ability: This move will create a cactus under the player, that does more damage then a normal cactus hit. And it shoots the player into the air a few blocks.
- How to use: Simply, hold sneak (default shift) and then left-click the ground, and a cactus (3 blocks high) will appear under the player.
- Config: You can only config the codlin of this move.
- Permission: Bending.ability.PlantStab
- About this move: This move will create a ''Swamp Monster'', like the swamp benders used to defend the swamp. There is no possible way to simulate the monster, as it would not look good, So the player gets effects when they do this move.
- Effects: By default, they are Slowness#1-MiningFatigue#1-Strenght#3-Resistance#2-NightVision#1, but it is in the config. (The bad effects (Slowness, MiningFatigue) are because the swamp monster is so big that it moves slower.)
- How to use: To use this ability, you must hold sneak (Default shift), for quite some time, ad it would take a lot of time to gather the vines. The particles happyVillager and splash Will start to appear while you charge the ability.
- Config: In the config, you can configure the duration of the effects, the effects, the cooldown and the charge time.
- Permission: Bending.ability.Growth