Those idea's are great!Some ability ideas if this were to be a multi ability:
(Keep in mine I also propose an "energy" system which represents the amount of Vines you're able to use. Using the following abilities will take away from the vine bar. When it runs out, that means there's no more vines left to bend and the multi-ability ends).
Similar in function to the WaterArms grab. You're able to hold a player with a vine, by clicking you throw them in the direction you're looking. Hold shift will extend the vine and it'll search for players (maybe?)
Upon shift-click (similar to AirSweep activation) a vine will extend outward and drag along the ground. If the vine hits a player then they receive some damage.
By holding shift for a certain duration, you're able to use a bit of your Plant Amount to regenerate a portion of your armor if anything broke. This would use a large portion of your plant amount.
I couldn't really find the gif I wanted of the vines regenerating but this shows the monster getting hurt lol
Click to exit the ability. Upon exiting, the ability will not stop. However, the armor could stay. Give the armor a duration which is independent from the multi-ability that will last even though you're on other binds.
These are some ideas I thought of on the spot.
But I'd like to add one of my idea's to this. Something like holding someone, so they won't be able to move for 2 or 3 seconds?
I really hope you will make a multi-ability, Nick.