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pk 10 internal server error


Verified Member
so every time i try to /b ch fire or any other element it says internal server error do i have to remove the old custom moves? or should i keep them?, also i'm not going to paste in console due to the fact spawn area has command blocks summoning custom particles so its a storm of @Particle summon is this my doing is it the custom moves? or should i go back to the older version of pk?


Verified Member
so every time i try to /b ch fire or any other element it says internal server error do i have to remove the old custom moves? or should i keep them?, also i'm not going to paste in console due to the fact spawn area has command blocks summoning custom particles so its a storm of @Particle summon is this my doing is it the custom moves? or should i go back to the older version of pk?
I've had the same problem. It's the custom moves. Some of them don't work with other moves, that I've seen. So, you have to add a custom move one by one to see which one doesn't work with the rest. It's annoying, because some of the custom moves that didn't work for me works on other bending servers, so I'm not entirely sure, but that's the best method on how to solve this.


Verified Member
Ok thx for the help!
Ok, I got all of the available moves onto my server, but Fissure. For some reason Fissure will not work. All you have to do is move a move into the Abilities folder and /reload the server. Then do /b who. If it shows your username, the move worked. If it says "An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command" then restart your server and repeat /b who. If it still says the internal error, then the move will not work, which should only be Fissure. Keep repeating this until you do all of them. I hope this helped!