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Fixed Permissions Problem

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Verified Member
You need to negate the following perms to remove the day/night messages.


that should take care of moonset and sunrise messages however looking at the source there doesen't look like the perms are checked for moonrise and sunset. You may still get those messages! If you do reply here so they'll know its a confirmed bug.
Otherwise it works based on them having either fire or water bending, removing those elements would remove the message but unless you automate it somehow it would need to be done manually when they leave the bending world.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Did you include the "-" before the permissions? That little part is very important


Verified Member
Yes i did
- -bending.message.nightmessage
- -bending.message.daymessage
Using latest version of PermissionsEx


Verified Member
Yes it is a bug report as my server still has this issue with no fix - My permissions for every other plugin work fine and it appears that the permission nodes mentioned above do not work. Hoping this will be fixed soon it's been a long wait.
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