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OctopusTrap (OctopusForm 2)

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I was thinking 'bout octopusform, and I thought it isn't THAT useful. (My opinion) That is why I thought about a combo with octopusform!:) I hope you like it.

Name: OctopusTrap

Element: Water

Ability order:
Torrent (Left click) > Octopusform (Left click) > Octopusform (Hold shift) > Torrent (Left click)

How it would work:

First, you left click with Torrent to indicate you want to use this combo. Then you switch to Octoform and perform it. While using octopus form, you switch to Torrent and left click. A stream of water will be created going to the target. When it reaches the target, a octopus form will be formed around the target, trapping them for a configurable amount of time. When they try to walk out of the trap, the arms will instantly grab them and throw them back. Let's say the octopustrap would have 4/6 arms. Each arm can be cut off by other bending abilities, (For example) Earthblast, Watermanip, Fireblast, airswipe, (Chi can use high jump to jump out for example. The Octopustrap would last for a configurable amount of time or after clicking X times. (X= configurable) For example, the octotrap will dissappear after clicking 3 times or after 6 seconds. So, when you clicked 3 times, the octotrap will disappear.
When you click, one of the arms goes to the target and hits them, causing damage. Maybe 1 heart by default?
The range would be configurable aswell.
When you select a different slot, you can't control the arms anymore. Octotrap also blocks attacks from the outside.

Damage: 2
Range: 5 (blocks)
Hits: 3
Time: 6

That is pretty much it for now
Lemme know what you think about it :)
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Verified Member
Luv it c:

I do agree Octopus is kinda useless. The only effective way I see waterbenders use it is by freezing someone and then attack them with it while they're stuck in there. But airbenders use airshield to block that. Firebenders just melt the ice. And earthbenders sometimes dig themselfes out with earthtunnel. Pretty useless then. This gives it some more use! c:


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Luv it c:

I do agree Octopus is kinda useless. The only effective way I see waterbenders use it is by freezing someone and then attack them with it while they're stuck in there. But airbenders use airshield to block that. Firebenders just melt the ice. And earthbenders sometimes dig themselfes out with earthtunnel. Pretty useless then. This gives it some more use! c:
Tnx:) The only thing I use it for is against chi blockers.


Verified Member
I quite like this ability, it really does take OctopusForm to a new level. I would like to see how it looks ingame and how effective it would be. I think, if used well with a right moves and in the right situations, would be pretty darn effective. :)


Verified Member
Oh this is a great idea!It really makes octopus form super useful and i think that it makes a lot of sense that waterbenders could do something like that!


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I forgot to mention something. With the current idea, other players can just walk out the octotrap xD.
I'll edit it


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This would fit the "defense into offense" tricks water benders use in the show. I believe Iroh says so. :)


Staff member
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I would really like to see what a staff member thinks of this idea:)
Most of the time, they have good arguments for things being bad or good.
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Verified Member
I think this is a clever and well-thought out combo, but I dislike it for several reasons. This combo would be pointless considering that waterbenders can freeze a target with either Surge/Torrent, and if they wanted to do damage, they could us OctopusForm to hit them inside the ice. I know that firebenders can escape this, however, that is something that balances out bending. My other point being that controlling a large amount of water from a big distance is something that normal waterbenders find impossible. That is basically what you are doing in this move. If the move stops when it hits the target, it would be very far if the target is far from the player.


Verified Member
I completely agree with @Majorite. No other move has this sort of distance attack along with trapping the player. This would have a torrent range, and then would also have the potential of 3 hearts of damage, all while keeping the player within a circle of an octopusform. This could lead to people doing what they do with lavaflow and earthgrab. Players would capture them with this move, then they would spam watermanipulation or another move at the player while they are stuck.


Verified Member
Why I like this, is because it finally gives OctopusForm something usefull!
Btw, if you think this move is OP, then more look at the total concept, instead of teh demage it deals. Those things can easily be editted (The range, demage, Etc.) to make it balanced. I think this move is to give OctopusForm an abilty that waterbenders might actually use in a fight. Maybe things like range, demage, etc. don't really matter that hard. You are the coder. You decide the those things. So don't deny something if the suggester just put some unbalanced stuff in it.


Verified Member
I completely agree with @Majorite. No other move has this sort of distance attack along with trapping the player. This would have a torrent range, and then would also have the potential of 3 hearts of damage, all while keeping the player within a circle of an octopusform. This could lead to people doing what they do with lavaflow and earthgrab. Players would capture them with this move, then they would spam watermanipulation or another move at the player while they are stuck.
Lava flow and earthgrab, I put in a few posts to debuff those. Nevar passed through.


Verified Member
Luv it c:

I do agree Octopus is kinda useless. The only effective way I see waterbenders use it is by freezing someone and then attack them with it while they're stuck in there. But airbenders use airshield to block that. Firebenders just melt the ice. And earthbenders sometimes dig themselfes out with earthtunnel. Pretty useless then. This gives it some more use! c:
That, and Earthbenders can bend through transparent blocks.


Verified Member
I like this combo idea a lot. It does give some usefulness to Octopus Form, because I know I never use it when I fight because it really isn't that versatile. I think this should be considered when water combos are added.
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