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Denied New Item: Chi Blocker Electric Glove

Should the Chi Blocker Electric Glove be implemented?

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In the Legend of Korra, Season 1, we saw much of what the chi blockers were capable of, both skills and technology. For instance, during the probending match between the Fire Ferrets and Wolfbats, we saw chi blockers weild an electric glove that shot out bolts of lightning. If this item can be added to the game, with a crafting recipe like the grappling hook, that would make chi blockers more "equal" to other benders during combat. In order to use the glove, you would have to hold the item in the slot, and right click while holding the item in order to fire a bolt of lightning, firing 10 blocks. Each hit would result in a damage of two hearts, and after five uses, you would need to wait for the glove to recharge (approximately 8-10 seconds). Now you may be thinking, "what item would we use for the electric glove??". Well in a mod called Voltz, mod creators created an item called the power glove, in which the item is a glove that the player can wear on their hand, and looks like an actual glove. If ProjectKorra coders can somehow make this possible, chi blockers and other non benders would be put in a fairer game in the world of Avatar.



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As much as this is a cool idea, plugins can't add new items, not in the way of the powerglove.

Were PK to make a mod version of the plugin, then custom items would be do-able


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Paralyze is something else completely! The glove pretty muchs knocks them out, paralyze stops their bending. Look it up


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Paralyze is something else completely! The glove pretty muchs knocks them out, paralyze stops their bending. Look it up
I'm perfectly aware of what the glove does, thank you very much. Chiblockers who used the glove sent electric currents into their opponents. This paralysed them. That's what electricity does. It's the point of Paralyze. The screen shakes because you get electrocuted.


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Yes paralysed them via electrocution, which by all means is fine. Paralyze on it's own is a different ball game. Rapid punches to the soft spots of your chi lines, notice how the benders could get back up after some time but were unable to bend. The shaking of the screen is down to the server stopping you from moving your head to look left/right. The initial knockback of the punch will make you move but the server stops this due to paralyze. Look into the physics of it a bit more. If you look at Jed's addon move Discharge, if you are hit by it, you are sent in a zigzag motion to stimulate electrocution, if you were to do the same affect with the glove you would need to victim to blackout and have their movement stopped. The only reason the victim stopped bending in the series when hit with the gloves is because they were knocked out, not because they had their bending blocked. BIG difference.


Verified Member
The only reason the victim stopped bending in the series when hit with the gloves is because they were knocked out, not because they had their bending blocked. BIG difference.
I never said anything about blocking bending. It's a passive chiblockers have by default, Paralyze blocks bending because you punch someone with it. I imagine plenty of people didn't get up in the show after getting paralysed, too. Chi was never about knocking people out and blunt force, but about precise and quick jabs at the opponent's vital points.

Moreover, the move the OP described is the exact same as discharge but with a longer cooldown and in the form of an item. The shock, as I mentioned, is already covered by Paralyze. That's why I don't agree with it.


Verified Member
My point was that Paralyze doesn't shock you, the shaking of the screen is from the server stopping your movement


Who has actually any experience with getting electrical shocks?xD
I do! man that could easily be taken out of context huh
I used to get a massive high out of shocking myself when I was younger, and it's not really a paralysis, more of an overloading. Think of it being like you're jogging one day and all of a sudden you're given a random, incoherent blast of speed to yourself. You have no control over this, and go flying in any direction at all, and will probably hit the floor or something. THAT is what it is like, except it's entirely in your body. Fly swats generally just give little zaps that you can actually feel course through your nervous system and diffuse, however the one time I got hooked into the mains by accident (i was a very stupid child) was so overwhelming that you don't even feel the electricity, the region just sorta starts spasming. If anything, that spasm is useful, since it forces you to pull away from the source!


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I do! man that could easily be taken out of context huh
I used to get a massive high out of shocking myself when I was younger, and it's not really a paralysis, more of an overloading. Think of it being like you're jogging one day and all of a sudden you're given a random, incoherent blast of speed to yourself. You have no control over this, and go flying in any direction at all, and will probably hit the floor or something. THAT is what it is like, except it's entirely in your body. Fly swats generally just give little zaps that you can actually feel course through your nervous system and diffuse, however the one time I got hooked into the mains by accident (i was a very stupid child) was so overwhelming that you don't even feel the electricity, the region just sorta starts spasming. If anything, that spasm is useful, since it forces you to pull away from the source!
I actually meant, what did you see?:p


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A few things

1: I'm not a coder but im pretty sure we can only use things that are in vanilla minecraft to create plugins. I may be reading it wrong but to me it seems like your suggesting using a model from a third party

2: "Each hit would result in a damage of two hearts, and after five uses, you would need to wait for the glove to recharge (approximately 8-10 seconds)" Now Chi is OP enough as it is against benders because they can basically kill smokescreen then rapid-punch spam you to death. But if they had a move on the side of that that can actually be spammed 5 times and do 2 hearts each? Imagine this: Your chi blocked and paralyzed. Hey uses rapid punch. So your down 3 hearts 7 hearts left. Your still paralized. The chi blocker then uses the glove hand hits you twice. At this point you have 4 hearts. After that he smoke screens you and hits you two more times. Your dead. In my opinion i think chi should stay the same damaging move wise. Or just nerf it


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Paralyze emulates punching a pressure point, which paralyzes the person. RapidPunch is punching rapidly around the body to block chi. Nothing currently in the plugin has anything to do with an electric glove shocking someone.


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Well, there is the move Electrocute that Blaze590 made. It is an electrical shock move.
Yea but that is a custom ability. MCheung12 is talking about something like grappling hook ,something that you can't bind to a slot.
I like the idea but what are you going to use to resemble a glove in minecraft ?
Also I think that it should use up one redstone per use with a moderate cooldown.



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I'm looking past that you can't create actual new items in plugins.

I believe that since this glove is just an item, it could be used by all benders and not just chi. In a lot of cases, problems like this happen in chi. Basically, anyone can use most of what chi has (in the Avatar World.)


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As far as I'm concerned, plugins made for bukkit cannot create models for new items. Those are only available in actual mods that use forge/modloader/etc.
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