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Complete New commands

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Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
haii ppl!

So, when I tell someone about bending, it's completely new to them of course. when they try it for the first time, most ppl don't understand it and get overwhelmed by all the commands, slots, binds etc. What I suggest is something to spare some time:

/bending copy {PlayerName}
/bending preset create {PresetName} [Public>true/false]

The /bending copy (/b co) allows you to copy someone's binds. This could help you to get started quickly, and saves the confusing about slots, numbers, etc. Most of my friends don't get all the stuff because of that. With the Public tag for the preset command, you can make a public preset. When you type /bending preset list, it would show your presets, and the public ones. Public ones are available for everyone.

That's pretty much it for now! Lemme know what you think!:)

- Finn


Verified Member
Sounds good. I think that a command like /bending help help would be nice. when you type you'd see all the information you need. like how the binding works. Binding is indeed confusing in the beginning. I remember that very lividly .o.


Verified Member
I can't even remember how many times people have had trouble with binding, Alot of people just want to copy their friend's bind(s) for easier help.
It'd probably be a really useful addition to the plugin, In my opinion.


Verified Member
Brilliant! 100% Support from me. When I teach my friends earthbending, I tell them to copy my slots, then they get confused while doing it, then I have to correct them. It can be stressful. I would have never thought of the preset idea too.
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