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Denied New Avatar State Combo!

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Verified Member
(*Note, just because it says "Avatar State" doesn't mean the combo has to have to do with more than 1 element.)

Name: Hurricane
Element: Air
Damage: If you get caught in the hurricane and collide with a block or with another player, it would do damage. Like a bit stronger than the collision damage from AirBlast and AirBurst
How to use: The combo goes like this: Tornado (Tap-Shift), AirBlast (Left-Click), AirBlast (Left-Click), AirBurst (Hold-Shift), AirBurst (Left-Click). Once the combo has been done, a spout of air will appear infront of you. Over time, air will start coming outwards from the spout of air and eventually come to a stop where it will turn into a wall and that air wall will circulate the spout of air in the middle and that spout in the middle of the hurricane will be like the eye of a hurricane. Once the hurricane is done transforming, it will not move unless the player looks at the hurricane and holds shift and moves his/her head to manipulate the hurricane to wherever they want, they can do this on AirSpout for more mobility and a clearer view. Or the player can hold shift looking at the hurricane and Left-Click to make the hurricane go wherever they clicked. The hurricane will only last about 1 minute and can be configurable by the Owner.
Why its not OP: As I stated above: "The hurricane will only last about 1 minute and can be configurable by the Owner."
And the hurricane wont be able to pick up blocks, just players. Also, this would temporarily lock the player from the Avatar State for 1-5 minutes and when the 1-5 minutes are done, there is a decent cooldown for the move.
Proof why this wouldn't be a retarded idea (Sorry, couldn't find a GIF): Well in the show, there was an episode where Aang fought Boomy (Sorry if i spelled his name wrong). When they were fighting, Aang created a tornado, providing evidence that benders have the access to making nature disasters such as Tornadoes and Hurricanes. There is even a move in the plugin where you can make a tornado, wanna guess what move it is? AirShield! No retard its Tornado -_-.


Verified Member
Well it's a cheep, bad, and sissy way of bending

1: it's not fair for your enemies
2:might lag for you two
3:can crash game (Id think this is supposed to be good)


Verified Member
Well it's a cheep, bad, and sissy way of bending

1: it's not fair for your enemies
2:might lag for you two
3:can crash game (Id think this is supposed to be good)
If you think all this is true, then you have not seen my friends on SpiritCraft, all they do is lag-bend. Its annoying but it makes one of the top benders on this server really good. Mods, admins, and the Owner himself does it! (Expecting a reply from Kiam any minute now.....)


Verified Member
Well it's not a fair way, ik most winners don't play by the rules but this is given the upper hand to the lag bender
Well sorry its unfair but there are people in life that will just lag-bend. Chickenemerald, can i private message you for a bit? EDIT: If you have skype, please reply with it, i need to ask you something


Verified Member
Not bad of an idea.

P.S. Using lag as a disadvantage for your opponent is cheaper than buying a mansion for a dollar.


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My reason for not liking the move:
In the show, it took about a dozen airbenders to create something like this (The last fight between Zaheer and Korra)
Even in the avatarstate no avatar was shown to accomplish this
and you can also accomplish an effect like this by increasing the width of tornado.


Verified Member
My reason for not liking the move:
In the show, it took about a dozen airbenders to create something like this (The last fight between Zaheer and Korra)
Even in the avatarstate no avatar was shown to accomplish this
and you can also accomplish an effect like this by increasing the width of tornado.
Have you seen season 2 when Aang fought Boomy? He created an F3 tornado in seconds.


Verified Member
Guys this thread is about an Avatarstate Combo, not whether or not lagbending is a fair way to fight.


Verified Member
Well now it is, 1:this move is only used by jinora and other airbenders,aang used it but it wasn't that strong,
2:this move causes lag


Verified Member
My reason for not liking the move:
In the show, it took about a dozen airbenders to create something like this (The last fight between Zaheer and Korra)
Even in the avatarstate no avatar was shown to accomplish this
and you can also accomplish an effect like this by increasing the width of tornado.
I think the reason you said that is because your not referencing from ATLA only LoK.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
I think the reason you said that is because your not referencing from ATLA only LoK.
Nope I was referencing from both. I'm completely aware of what Aang did and didn't do. And he never made a hurricane.


Verified Member
A tornado isn't a hurricane, similar but not the same and btw that move that aang used against bumi is a vortex, (almost completely different) avatar yangchen used this in her avatar state(all found on the avatar wiki page)
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