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Complete Multiple Bind Configurations

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Verified Member
The ability to extend this plugin with custom abilities is incredible and really helps this plugin stand out from other plugins for Minecraft. The only downside I can think of to this is that there are just too many awesome abilities and only nine spaces on the hotbar.

My suggestion is to allow for multiple bind layouts for the hotbar. This would allow a player to have multiple hotbar layouts with different abilities each.

For instance, an earthbender could create a layout called "battle" (with a command similar to "/b create battle") that would include abilities such as EarthBlast, LavaFlow, MetalFragments, and other offensive abilities. They could have another layout called "utility" that would include abilities such as EarthTunnel, Catapult, Extraction, etc... Then when they are fighting mobs or other players, they can use the "battle" layout, and when they are mining or building they could switch to the "utility" layout, or they could have one called "mix" that combines attacks and utility abilities. This way they don't have to take up room on the hotbar with abilities that are useless for battle but great for utility and vice versa. Instead, they can switch between the two layouts depending on what they are doing, possibly with a command similar to "/b s utility" ("s" for "switch" or "select") or "/b l utility" ("l" for "layout"). There could be any number of layouts with any combination of abilities.

For players acting as the Avatar, this would be particularly useful because instead of trying to cram abilities from each of the four elements into nine spaces on the hotbar, they could have one layout for each element, or any other type of layout to fully utilize the full arsenal available in the plugin.

Let me know if you have any other ideas for this!

P.S. Sorry there are no pictures, I figured staring at hotbar screenshots would get boring. ;)


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Plugin Developer
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type " /bending preset " in game

Am I the freaking only one who ACTUALLY reads the changelogs !? XD


Verified Member
Haha... I knew I saw it somewhere, but I searched for about an hour and couldn't find it again so I thought I was going crazy and posted this. Thanks so much!
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